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The five horror-stricken girls searched frantically around the room, as if their mysterious, unknown stalker was there watching over every move that they took. Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer all looked at the brunette, the same thought filling their clueless heads. She is NOT A. They looked back at each, relief. But the thought was not strong enough to compete with the same one the girls had, had for weeks, months. Who the hell was A, and how powerful was this person?

The liars were soon to find out how capable this stalker was to ruin everything, everything they loved, even the bond the girls have with each other, everything was going to disappear within the blink of an eye, these pretty little liars, are in for one hell of a ride.

"Curiosity killed the cat- the liar. What the hell does that mean" Hanna half shouted, pacing up and down the Hastings living room.

"It's a metaphor, it means that being curious can get you into trouble, or in this case killed" Spencer explained, in a surprisingly calm tone

"Why waste our time with torturing us, when it can just kill us, I mean it's powerful enough to know what we are doing every millisecond of our lives." Aria sighed collapsing next to Spencer

"Really Aria, that really isn't helping the situation" Spencer sarcastically rolled her hazel eyes.

"Maybe we should just give up, do what "it" wants" Emily spoke for the first time in 30 minutes

The four heads turned to look at Emily

"Give up? Giving up, and doing what that...that bitch says. Not a chance em. Not. A. Chance." Hanna scoffed, still pacing up and down.

"Hanna's right, we can't give up, we have to find out who "A" actually is, you heard it: Curiosity killed the liar. What if this means, one of us is going to die"

No one repsonds to Eden, instead the five girls head up to Spencer's, where they would spend the night.

1 week later

Saturday's, in my opinion the best day of the week, no school, not getting up early, staying up late. Today however was not going to be up to those expectations. The night before I received an unexpected message from someone, that thankfully was not the anonymous stalker, it was in fact Noel Kahn, asking me to finish the project of with him, which had to be due in on the following Monday.

Why did you not spend more time on it, you may ask? Well I've been avoiding Noel for this past week, since the event that took place the last time we tried to complete this "project".

So, unfortunately I have to spend all day with my ex best-friend, working on a project that has to be due in, in two days.

Reluctantly I just threw on a pair of distressed jeans, a hoodie and a pair of doc martins.

Lazily I couldn't be bothered to put my contacts in, so I just left my glasses on.

My car pulled up to the Khan household, and reluctantly I knocked on the door.

A tired looking boy opened the wooden door peering at the brunette who stood before him.

"Noel?" I asked questioned looking the boy up and down.

Before I could ask, what on earth was going on, shouting echoed through the house. Cruel words bouncing off the walls.

"Can we... do this somewhere else" Noel gulped stepping a foot outside and shutting the door behind him.

"Yeah sure" i sympathetically lead him to my car.

His parents always had their ups and downs, but it was never this bad. Honestly deep down I felt sorry for, even how much of dick he was on the outside.

"So there's this place I go, when I want to be alone. D'you want to go there" I offered Turing on the ignition in my car.

"Sure" he murmured.

We turned up at where I offered to go, and honestly it was only some tree's and a rock, but it was good enough.

"Here we are" myself and Noel clambered out of the car, carrying the mountains of books in our hands.

When we reached the rock, I chucked the books on the floor and sprawled across it.

Noel gave me a weird look, but gave in and sat down.

"So, what do we, do?" He asked, fidgeting a lot.

"We think!" I said, maybe a little too enthusiastically

"Genius" he scoffed in a sarcastic tone.

"It is, don't judge me, it actually helps" I sighed

"Whatever up say Evans" he rolled his eyes, but as I looked over I could also see the sorrow in them.

"Are your parents okay, are they-" I began but was interrupted

"Going to get a divorce? God, I hope so. Their whining and arguing is just so annoying." He sighed, looking down towards the floor.

"It'll be okay in the end, I promise" I put a hand on his shoulder, but quickly pulled it away, knowing what I had done.

"Glasses, huh?" He smirked pulling them off my head.

"Yes, and give them back!" I grabbed the from his hand.

"Fine. You look cute in them anyway"

I raised an eyebrow.

"I look cute everyday Khan," I scoffed, placing them back on my head.

"Anyway, since when do you use the word 'cute'?" I laughed, lightly nudging him.

"Since now" he mimicked my voice.

"God, you are so annoying, you know that right." I rolled my eyes.

"You love me" he smirked, inching closer to me.

"Yeah, right." I scoffed

"Actually, you love me. Remember when you proposed to me in 3rd grade" I laughed, looking back at the memory.

"We we're delusional little kids, who had no idea what the word 'marriage' mean" he rolled his eyes, his cheeks becoming red.

"Hmm yeah, seem pretty realistic to me. You even gave me a ring" I nudged him once again.

"It was a gummy ring, for goodness sake" he threw his hands up in frustration

"Still counts Khan"

He didn't reply and just sat there muttering words under his breath.

"You so loved me"

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