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"Don't you think we should celebrate tonight? I mean, it's not every day you become an official hero. We can eat out somewhere tonight or maybe go shopping and I can cook your favorites tonight"

Saitama doesn't really vocalize it, but he was a lucky man. Perhaps even the luckiest man in the world to have such great wife.

"And don't sulk about only getting into C-Rank. You know that your rank doesn't define who and what you are as a hero. No matter what anyone says, you'll always be S-Class Rank 1 to me"

While he might have sulked a bit on the way home after getting his less than stellar results if he were just a single man living on his own, that was not the case at all. Despite being placed at the lowest spot of the lowest rank, the newly registered hero honestly felt as if he were number one right now.

A small blush settled on his cheeks as he basked in your affection and encouragement, musing how this day didn't turn out too bad because of you with that dopey smile of his you fell in love with.

"And maybe we know...celebrate more after dinner when we get home. We...we haven't for a while and deserve it as a reward too for getting into the Hero Association" The way your own cheeks reddened into bright red cherries sent his mind into overload, suddenly becoming hyperaware of everything like how your breasts pillowed his arm as you hugged it, the way your perfume and natural scent wafted to his nose, or even the way your face seemed to be leaning closer and closer with each second.

The way your face was illuminated by the setting sun wasn't helping him either, but at this point the hero had stopped using the rational part of his mind because when your special someone is offering you a kiss then you'd be an idiot to decline.

He knew that for all the strength he wielded, he only really had one weakness and that was you. He can already smell the fruity scent of your lips as he got closer and closer, it was probably from that lip gloss you were excitedly telling him about before.

Although he wasn't really interested in make-up, he was 'curious' as to what it tasted like—

"The newcomer seminar isn't over yet! In this business there's a thing called rookie-crushing. A lot of us heroes hate to be outranked. So we crush newbies early on...LIKE THIS"


Saitama had never beaten anyone as quickly as he did with Snek. Lesson learned for today? Never get in between a man with the strength of a god and his wife.

Hιѕ Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Book 1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin