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With the groceries placed in their proper places, the three of you gathered inside the living room and placed the box full of letters on the coffee table before sorting through the envelopes.

"Let's see...This one's for Genos, Genos again, another Genos, and surprise surprise...Genos. Well, looks like someone's popular and most of these are from women. Do I have to beat random women off of you any time soon, Genos?" You joked, lips curling into a mischievous grin directed at the cyborg as you stacked the letters meant for him on his side of the table.

"Any woman who wants to date my boy has to go through me first" You added, giving the blond your most serious expression.


"What? I'm not going to let just any woman make a man out of my son"

You never knew that it was possible to make a biomechanical teen blush so much that it reached the tips of his ears, but you weren't complaining as the red hue filled Genos' face.

Watching you and Genos interact with such warmth and familiarity caused the bald hero to crack a genuine smile, momentarily taking his attention away from his own letter. As much as he tried to deny it, the teen had wormed his way into their lives and hearts before they even knew it.

Kind of like how mold grows on bread if he were to compare how the cyborg grew on him.

(Name) had taken to him almost immediately so it wasn't all that surprising to see them like this together.

Shaking his head at the sight of his wife continuing with her teasing of the usually serious Genos, the hero turned his attention back to the envelope he was holding and opened it with delicate hands.

Hιѕ Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Book 1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ