Genos' Resolve

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Genos was stumped.

Despite quickly being promoted as an S-Class Hero in the Hero Registry he was still no match against even just a fraction of his master's power.

As he stared in amazement and wonder at the yellow-clad male whose attention was now focused on what to eat for dinner, he was unable to notice you walking towards him until he felt a soft hand running through his windswept synthetic blond locks.

The cyborg blinked before his optics zeroed in on the furrowing of your eyebrows as you patted down his hair.

"(Name)-san? ...What are you doing?" He knew what you were doing, but what he wanted to find out was WHY.

No, he wasn't particularly bothered by your close proximity or how much this reminded him of the way his own mother used to run her hand through his hair before the incident, but he was curious to the reasoning behind you doing this to him when Saitama should be the one receiving such a tender gesture from you (despite not having any hair atop his head--).

"Fixing your hair of course! The three of us are going out for dinner to celebrate the both of you getting into the Hero Association so we have to look presentable" Determination glinted in your (Eye Color) orbs as you combed his hair with your fingers until it was now flat against his head again.

"Oi (Name), you shouldn't comb Genos' hair for him. He's a grown man who can take care of himself" Drawled the caped baldy as he picked at his ear while waiting.

"But Sai, he's probably still a bit shaken up after your spar so it's the least I could do" You shot back with a small pout, acting like a mother who insisted on coddling and spoiling her child.

Genos who had mostly been silent the entire time couldn't help but feel a smile involuntarily creeping up his face. It's been a long time since he last felt something like this...when he last felt that warmth and care one could only feel with their family.

It should be illogical and impossible for him or anyone to so quickly create familial bonds with people you'd only known for a short time, but...he honestly couldn't help but start to see his teacher and his teacher's wife as parental figures.

The way Saitama would teach and guide him like that of a real father and how (Name) would dote on him like a mother would made warmth bloom on his chest and not the kind of warmth that was created by his core. was something more natural. Something he couldn't really explain scientifically or logically yet he understood what and where it came from anyway.

Whatever may happen or whatever anyone may say, he will stay by their side.

He will surely protect them.

Because he cannot lose his family.

Not now nor ever again.

Hιѕ Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now