Chapter 21

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Kayla's pov.

when we arrived back at the farm, I just stormed past daryl. I still can't believe he sort of blamed me for that whole incident. I didn't hear him behind me anymore so I looked to see him walking back to his tent. I sighed until I heard a lot of commotion. Shane of course. I ran over anyways. It looked like I rick was back. Wait what the hell! Why did he and Herschel have walkers on a stick! Carl saw me and immediately ran to me and hugged my legs. I bent over to hug him as I looked at Lori and Maggie who was standing next to us. I released Carl from our hug and gave him a friendly smile as I walked over to the women. I ignored the shouting of the men and the walkers.

"what is going on?" I asked.

"Rick found Herschel. Herschel thinks these people are sick. Shane is going insane trying to prove to them they are dead." Lori explained somewhat calm.

i just nodded.

she sighed," kayla I'm pregnant."

my eyes got wide. That was more of a shock than the walkers.

"What!" I whisper shouted.

she nodded not looking at me and walked away to carol.

I just starred after her as Maggie came up beside me.

"Why a you wearing Daryl's jacket?" She asked smiling.

i blushed. Of course she would bring this up when we have a far more worse situation. I didn't want to tell her though. The situation in all was too horrible to explain. My thoughts were broken when I heard daryl. Hmm when did he get here?

"I found her damn doll!" He yelled.

"that's all you found daryl! A doll! We are no closer to finding that girl and don't you think her seeing you with ears around your neck she ran the other damn direction!" Shane yelled as he shot the two walkers in herschel and ricks grasp.

Herschel fell to the ground.

"Daddy!" Maggie and Beth yelled as they ran over to him.

"Shane enough!" Rick yelled.

"No! Enough living next to things that could kill us!" SHane yelled.

shane was going crazy. I looke to daryl who was fuming. He already wanted to kill Shane enough and this was just adding to the flame. This time I wouldn't stop him. Shane ran to the rv and we all watched him as he brought back out a bag. It was the bag of guns. He walked up to daryl,

"you with me? You gonna protect what's yours?"

Daryl was still fuming. He looked at me for some reason and then back to Shane and nodded.

"Shane stop!" Rick yelled.

once Shane passed out guns he ran to the barn. What the hell! Here i stand defenceless. I stood next to Lori, Carl, and carol. Daryl, Rick, Shane and others began shooting at the walkers that were leaving the barn. This isn't righ I should be helping. I ran up beside daryl.

"kayla! What the fuck get out of here!" He screamed over the gunfire.

"give me my gun. I'm helping!" I yelled.

He just continued firing. I saw my gun in his belt so without hesitation I grabbed it and began firing. He was pissed but didn't stop me. We all continued firing till they stopped coming. Great now daryl will probably yell at me. I sighed and turned to give him my gun back when we heard snarling. We both quickly turned back towards the barn. A young girl walker came out. Everyone's eyes went wide and I heard Carl cry into his moms chest. I was confused till I heard carol cry out,


Oh no. She started running towards her undead daughter when daryl caught her and fell to the ground . She fought to get away from him, but failed. The whole scene really hurt. Rick walked up to the girl and pointed his gun to her head, he hesitated but shot. Carol was in tears with daryl still holding onto her. He was replaced by dale and t dog trying to comfort her. Daryl was about to walk off. Hell he needed someone as bad as she did. I started to walk up behind him until I heard snarling again. We all turned to the barn again. Out walked one more of the undead. My eyes grew wide with tears in them. My heart was pounding. I couldn't breathe. No please. God no. I couldn't control myself any more as I began to run towards the walker screaming,


The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora