Chapter 61

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Daryls pov

this prick should've known better than to try an show me up. I laughed to myself when he stormed off cause he was pissed he didn't kill more walkers than me. What can I say? I'm badass. I turned to see if kayla was still watching. She wasn't. Damn. Kinda hopin that would turn her on. What? Sorry for wanting to please my wife. I walked back to where I left her and looked around for her. I didn't see her by the truck. I walked to Herschel who was by that Milton guy. She wasn't there either. Damn it woman! She was probably with Andrea. They use to be friends. I dismissed the thought and went to grab a cigarette. I noticed that Martinez guy eying my box so I offered him one. He took one and nodded in thanks.i grunted in response.

"ya know this is all a joke right?" He asked in between puffs.

"ya." I grunted and blew out a big breathe of smoke.

i was still keeping an eye out for Andrea and kayla. Then Rick came out of the barn with the governor behind him. I made sure I got a good death glare to him. Oh how I wanted him dead right next to jack. Rick walked straight to the car and said nothing. I turned to get on my bike when we heard the governor said,

"hey Rick?"

i looked to Rick and we both turned around.

"What?" Rick asked.

the governor smiled evily,"are you sure there isn't any way at all I could convince you to change your decision?"

he had something up his sleeve. Rick stood his ground though," no my decision stays as it stands."

"awww too bad for kayla then." He smiled.

I froze. No way did I hear him correctly. "The hell you talkin bout!" I yelled pissed.

We heard a bunch of gun clicks and a bunch of men we hadn't see before stepped out into view aiming at us. Dammit. Shoulda known he wouldn't just come with the nerd, blondie, and Martinez. Rick, Herschel, and I just starred down the governor. He nodded his head for someone. My gaze followed his to see a man holding kayla at gun point. I was angry. I quickly aimed my crossbow,

"ya better let her go now!"

i knew they had more fire power but I didn't care. Rick aimed his gun too. Kayla was passed to the governor who held her by the hair with a gun pointed to her head. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and pure fear. I was so mad.

"ah ah ah. Ya shoot, she dies." He grinned.

oh I wanted to kill him more than ever! We hesitantly lowered our weapons, but I kept a close eye on her. I watched as Andrea came out of one of the cars,

"Phillip! Let her go! It does not have to be like this!"

the governor glared at Andrea and Milton took her back into the car. My eyes remained on kayla. I couldn't lose her again. I tried to control my breathing, but in all honesty I was scared as fuck. I looked to Rick who was just as concerned as I was.

"let her go." Rick demanded.

"but she's so pretty Rick." The governor teased and kissed her head.

Is enraged me. I started to charge at him,"you little!" But Rick stopped me with one hand on my chest.

i looked to him panicked. His eyes showed an equal amount of panic," daryl calm down."

i glared at him and then looked back to kayla. She was pleading with her eyes for me to do something.

"now Rick I'll give you a few days to think this through. O don't worry about her. We'll take good care of her." He smiled and passed kayla to another man.

They were going to take her.

"Daryl" she cried.

i tried to get past Rick but he wouldn't let me through,"I will come for you! I will find you!"

The governor smiled at my struggle. " Doubtful. knock her out and throw her in the van!" Governor yelled.

Kayla started screaming and fighting to get away.

"No!" I yelled as they hit her on her head with the back of a gun.

her body fell limp and they threw her into the van. I was heated.

"You little bitch!" I screamed. "I'm going to kill you!" I was firing against Rick now and he was holding me back, "I'm going to kill you! If you touch her i swear!"

"Think about it rick." He smiled and got into the van and drove off with all his men.

I was still fighting to get out of ricks hold until he let go and I fell to the ground. I had tears in my eyes. I had just lost her to the hands of that man. AGAIN. Sadness was replaced with rage. I stood back up and got in ricks face,

"you just let him take her!"

"what did you want me to do daryl! They had guns pointed at us and her!" He yelled back.

i know he was right and he was equally as mad as I was, but I was beyond mad and I didn't know what to do. I looked back into the direction the van went. I grunted and wiped my face as I headed back to my bike.

"Where are you goin?" He asked.

"where the hell ya think! I'm getting her back." I yelled without even looking back.

"you need to wait. We gotta get back to the prison and we'll get more people." He said.

I turned and charged back to him,"I ain't waiting like we did last time! You know what he did to her because you wanted to wait!"

"We have to think rationally here." He started to say, but I cut him off

"I'm going after my wife and your so called daughter! Come if you want I don't give a shit! I ain't leaving her!"

"neither am I!" He yelled.

"both of you need to calm down. We aren't doing anything just standing here fighting." Herschel interrupted.

"he's right. We go back to the prison. Get the others and then go get her. You won't make it alone daryl." Rick said sternly.

I glared at him for a few more moments and then sighed in defeat,"fine"

i started walking back to my bike and they got in the car. I couldn't believe I let her slip rough my fingers again.

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora