Chapter 37

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I ran downstairs and quickly slid to a stop when I saw the scene infront of me. Glenn was wheeling an unconscious Herschel on a table. There was blood everywhere. Wait. Was his leg gone? I felt light headed so I quickly looked to someone else. Maggie came in the room next, crying. I ran to her and hugged her.

"what happened?" I asked.

"daddy got bit. Rick cut off his leg and he passed out from the blood" she cried.

I nodded and she ran to the room where Herschel was taken. I saw everyone made it back, except one person wasn't with them. My heart started pounding and I began to sweat. Where was daryl? T dog noticed my worry,

"he's around the corner by the door. Ran into some prisoners. Alive."

i nodded and ran to daryl. He was leaning against a table with his crossbow aimed for the door. I watched him confused until a group of men entered the room.

"Today's your lucky day boys . ya been pardoned by the state of Georgia. Yer free to go." He said aiming the crossbow at them.

i chuckled quietly by his sarcastic remark. The leader noticed me and now had his eyes on me. He gave me an evil smile. That scared me. The only time I've seen a smile so evil was on jacks face. Daryl noticed the mans attention was on something else and he looked behind him, seeing me. His face turned pale and angry.

daryls pov

i noticed these pricks stopped looking at me and to something behind me. What was with that dudes smile? I turned. Oh hell no. Kayla quickly drew out her gun And pointed to the men as she stepped closer to me.

"kayla get out of here." I gritted while keeping an eye on the men.

"No please stay." The leader said. He was eyeing my girl up and down.

i stood infront of her, "get your eyes off of her."

he looked back at me, clearly amused with my stunt of keeping the girl safe. I heard Rick and t dog join me buy my side.

"tell ya what. Ya give us the girl and we go peacefully?" Thomas said.

I heard Kayla gasp behind me.

i growled,"over my dead body."

"And mine." Rick said.

i looked at him and gave him a nod which he returned.

We figured out these pricks didn't know anything that was going on. We decided we'd share the prison as long as they stayed on their side and we would help em clear out a block in exchange for food. I walked kayla back to the perch.

"please stay here." I said.

she nodded. I could tell in her eyes she was clearly disturbed by Thomas's comment. I kissed her and ran back down to Rick to get all this over with.

Kaylas pov.

while the men were gone and we were all waiting to see if Herschel would wake up, I stayed on the perch playing with my knife. I looked at the walls where prisoners had carved things into the walls. I quickly got an idea. I took my knife and engraved KR+DD In a heart on a clear spot I found on the wall. I smiled at my work. Sure if daryl ever saw it he would think this was dumb so I was never planning on showing him. This would be my own little secret. I also decided to carve the names of those who we've lost. I engraved R.I.P Sophia, Justin, dad, dale,Otis,Patricia. I smiled at my work again. I jumped when I heard a voice,

"Kayla? What ya doing?"

i looked to see Carl.

I smiled," I don't know just got bored."

He walked over to me and say down next to me," so you engraved stuff in the walls?"

I shrugged, "why not?"

he read over my work and then smiled,"KR+DD huh?"

i blushed,"shut up"

he laughed,"can I write something?"

"of course." I smiled.

he pulled out his knife and began carving something. I watched until he pulled away and I read, "forever and ever"

i looked at him confused. He laughed," it was you're promise. That you'd always be here forever and ever."

i smiled and kissed the boys forehead. He yawned.

"ya should probably get some sleep." I said.

he nodded and left the cell. I suddenly realized how tired I was so I crawled over to our cot and decided to try to get some sleep. A few hours later I woke up to someone laying beside me. I didn't even have to open my eyes to know who it was. They put their arm around me and kissed my forehead. Daryl. I smiled And opened my eyes.

"didn't mean to wake ya." He whispered.

"it's ok. I'm glad to see you made it back. Everyone ok?" I asked.

"ya we ran into a few problems but we handled em. Most of the prisoners are dead. Dumb asses wouldn't listen to us. Only ones left are Oscar and axel." He sighed.

relief flew over me. Tomas was dead. One last thing I had to worry about.

i rested my head on his chest,"I'm glad you're ok. You have no idea what id do without ya."

"You'd be fine. Got that boy and Rick to look after ya." He said while rubbing my back.

"ya but wouldn't be the same if the man I love was dead." I sighed.

i knew what I had just done. I just admitted to being in love with daryl. I honestly didn't expect him to say it back. I felt his flinch and he stopped rubbing my back. I looked up at him with apologetic eyes,

"I'm sorry"

"got nothin to be sorry for. Hell I've loved ya for a long time just been to much of a damn wimp to say anything." He grunted.

this brought a smile to my face,"but wait why did you hate me so much when we first met?"

"Ya were tearin down walls I built up for years. Ain't never had no one care bout me before and here ya came and just made me into a big softy." He sighed holding me tight.

"so you love me too?" I asked.

"always have and always will." He said.

I kissed him and fell asleep that night with a huge smile on my face.

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt