Chapter 64

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Daryls pov

it's been days since Andreas death and since we brought kayla back. She hasn't woken up since. Herschel said that it was blood loss so I gave her some of mine. Coincidentally we were the same type. Now we wait. Wait o see if I'll ever see those eyes I fell so hard for to open. I moved my stuff from the perch to the cell she's in now. Everyone comes and checks on her, but Carl and I never leave. He even has brought his sleeping bag in. At first I didn't want him to, but that boy cares about as much for her as I do. I looked over to Carl who was asleep and back to her. I got up from my spot on the floor and walked back over to her. I lifted her shirt to see the damage done to her stomach. I made me see red and want to kill someone every time I looked at the name now carved into her. She would have that for the rest of her life and there was nothing I could do about it. I set her shirt back down and placed a hand on her bruised face. She has been so strong through this world after everything it has thrown at her. For the first time in my life I felt blessed. I was blessed to have this girl as my wife. As my everything and I couldn't lose her.

"She wake up yet?" I heard from behind me.

I looked over to see Carl rubbing his eyes, sitting up from his sleeping bag.

"no" I said.

he frowned and crawled over right next to me and looked down at her.

"you think she's gonna wake up?" He asked sounding upset.

"yea she will." I whispered.

"it's been 3 days daryl." He said looking up to me.

"I know how long it's been. She's a fighter though. She ain't leavin us carl." I said looking back down to him.

i searched his eyes and saw doubt and worry. Has he really given up on her so quickly?

"plus she's a dixon now. Ain't nothin can kill a dixon but a dixon" we both jumped and turned to see Merle standing in the doorway.

i nodded to him and Carl gave him a faint smile. I placed a hand on his shoulder,

"plus she wouldn't break her promise to you." I smiled.

that got him. I saw his confidence in her boost," I know"

"so now that she's a dixon does that make you my brother in law?" He asked smiling.

that caught me off guard. Never thought of it like that. I guess technically Rick was my father in law and Carl was my brother in law in this world.

"Guess so" I agreed.

"well then I still meant what I said, ya ever hurt her I'll hurt ya." He joked.

"woah now. Little man got guts. What ya say daryl?" Merle joked.

i looked at him then back to Carl,"if ya get to me first. I'd probably beat myself if I ever hurt her."

he smiled back to me and I heard his stomach growl.

"Ya should probably get something to eat." I said.

he just remained starring at her," I'm ok."

i saw how hesitant he was to leave her.

"hey if she wakes up i'll come and get ya." I whispered.

he hesitantly looked at me and nodded.

"Come on boy. I gotta get me some grub too." Merle said.

carl got up and followed him as I gave my brother a nod which he returned. Once I was alone, I grabbed her hand again and kissed her on her forehead. I knew she was in pain and she was fighting for all of us. As much as I didn't want to say it I whispered,

"if ya can't take it anymore go on darlin. We'll be ok. I'll be ok. I just don't want you in pain anymore. I love you." My voice cracked.

i felt tears fall down my face. I didn't want to accept that this may be the end. I told her I'd be ok but in all honesty I know I won't. None of us will. I put my face in my arms and cried into them. I have never cried so hard in my life. I'm a man, but I couldn't hold it in any longer.

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz