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Kayla's pov

I starred in shock as Maggie handed me my daughter. I didn't just have one baby, I had two. I swear there better not be another one in there! I was already a nervous wreck having Connor, but now I have 2 little lives I had to take care of. I looked down at the beautiful baby girl and saw her eyes open for the first time. I felt a tear run down my face as I smiled back at her. She was perfect. I laughed as I whispered,

"hi elaina"

"congratulations" Herschel said.

I looked up to him and smiled.

"I'm gonna go get Rick And the others now unless yer planning on having another one?" Herschel joked.

i quickly shook my head," I think we are clear"

he smiled and Herschel and Maggie left. All that was left was now me, daryl, and our kids. He came and sat down next to me, looking at elaina for the first time.

"She's beautiful" he whispered.

i nodded, not taking my eyes off her.

"She looks like you" he added.

"Nah they both look like you. The eyes, the noses. Wouldn't even know they were mine if I just didn't go through that horrible pain of labor" I laughed.

i heard him chuckle and he said,"then they gonna be good lookin kids if they look like me then"

i agreed and he said, "I was just kiddin."

"I wasn't." I whispered.

i looked at the sleeping boy in daryls arms,"wanna switch?"

he looked hesitant at first and we switched babies. He looked down at his daughter and said,

"She's gonna be a handful."

I looked at him confused and he whispered,

"cause if she grows up and looks anything like ya, I'm gonna have a hard time keepin the boys away."

i smiled and kissed him then he said,

"and she ain't datin anyone till she's 30"

"daryl!" I laughed.

"what! I serious!" He laughed.

"Daryl how are we goin to do this? Take care of two?" I sighed.

"don't know but we're gonna have to. I meant it before, ain't join gonna happen to you or the kids." He whispered.

i nodded and kissed Connor on the head. I heard daryl sigh next to me,

"ya know when Carl came runnin in here, said you went into labor and ya were outside, ran as fast as I could. Then I heard ya screaming and crying, thought I was gonna lose ya. Especially with just merle being there."

"I'm just happy everything went alright. We have two perfectly healthy kids. Hurt like hell and I probably scared the shit out of Merle and yelled at him, but they were worth it." I sighed.

"Merle's face was priceless. But ya. Wouldn't take it back, got two healthy kids, and my wife is safe and alive. Best damn the to happen in this hell." He whispered.

i smiled and looked down at Connor,

"he's going to be a ladies man."

"He's a dixon. Course he is" daryl said.

i laughed and looked at my family. My new family. It brought memories of my family in heaven. I quickly clutched onto my locket with one hand and daryl noticed,


i looked at him and he said,"they are proud of ya. Probably in this room right now smiling down at their grand kids."

I nodded and heard him whisper, "I may not be the best father, but I'm gonna damn well try my hardest. ThEy ain't gonna have the life I had growin up. We may live in a hell, but that won't stop me from puttin y'all first."

"I love you daryl." I said.

"luv ya too" he kissed me as we waited for the others to come meet the newest additions to the family.

And boy won't they be surprised to see two instead of one.

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now