Axioûn apó dyēus

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A star; by most scientific means, is a body of various mineral dusts and gasses compressed;
And the brighter it burns, the shorter its life.
And the most astonishing and brilliant stars are born, and then vanish in the blink of an eye.
Some may fall to the earth, burning up everything that's left of them; in one, flashing moment, before tumbling from the heavens.
Somewhere deep in the universe, a million stars are born, and then die, the gods sigh and mourne the loss of their brethren. And so be it.
They gods, being what they are, collapse that space in on itself to create a void so that none may enter said place. This creation so abhorrent to existence, that it swallows everything within it's reach. Such things are created when stars die too quickly. So this bane, this abomination sat at the end of the universe; devoid of any light, any beauty, any anything. It sat. Sat consuming everything it touched. And the gods were neither pleased nor displeased. What was their sorrow and anguish manifest, became their destroyer. Intangible, and unstoppable, a hallmark to godliness. It was like unto themselves, and so they accepted it into the heavens. Or perhaps they had feared it.

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