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The dark space of the room:
Echoing dark corners,
Black reflections; unfamiliar,
Smooth hard surfaces,
Where no things could bloom.

Empty of all light, only me:
The image of my face,
A dark and twisted specter,
Is this who I really am?
Hunting cross steeled fascia; to be free.

Finding only clenched fists:
Nails scraping palms,
Swing; smash, shatter.
Break this obsidian window.
I do; now cut, bleeding from the detritus.

Looking out casement so unkind,
There I see myself in the world;
Smiling, laughing, living...
Slumping back in cognizance,
This unlit and empty mirror palace;
Broken shards of my own mind.

AN: Entry I wrote for Hailstorm_2004's Poetry Contest.

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