two - river

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River ran up the gravel walkway to the house. She knew the place like the back of her hand. It had been her home since she was four after all. She smiled as she remembered when Charles had first met her. Hank had been there too.

"What's your name?" Charles said while sitting in his wheelchair. She was slightly taller than it. She had been huddling in the corner by a public pool. Four-year-old River liked water; it made her feel safe.

"M-mummy said not to talk to strangers," she had said, then teared up. She missed my parents, even though they had thrown her out a year ago.

"Are you from England?" he asked in the same gentle tone. The little girl nodded but then shook her head.

"Live there." She pointed straight ahead. "But Mum from there." She pointed behind her. "Englash." He smiled.

"Where is your mum and dad?" She shook her head.

"Not here," she said with a small tear. Charles understood. They had thrown her out.

"Can I take you to my house?" he asked.


"I have food. Do you like..." He thought. "Chocolate?" She nodded enthusiastically. "Hank! Come here please!" Charles had called. A tall man with glasses came over and looked down at her. He squatted down after Charles whispered something into his ear.

"Hey," he said. He looked nice. "Wanna go to a new home? A nice one?" She nodded. She was four and didn't really know better. Such as not to go with strangers when they offer you candy. But if she hadn't, she would've probably in the hands of evil men like Colonel Stryker, who she met briefly in DC.

River smiled as she remembered the fond memory of Charles and Hank. She climbed up the left side of the big staircase and jogged down two hallways before knocking on a door.

"Who is it?" Jean's voice came through.

"It's Riv!" said River.

"It's open!" River opened the door to see two girls sitting on a bed, Jean and, River's very own cousin, Jubilation Lee. Jubilee for short. River grinned and closed the door as she went in. Jubilee was wearing her normal yellow leather jacket with her various collective pins. She had tan shorts on and a plain grey t-shirt. Jean had a brown quarter sleeves shirt on and jeans. Her cardigan was lying next to her.

"Hey guys," she said.

"Girls," Jean corrected.

"Yeah yeah." Jubilee waved her off.

"So...what am I here for?" River asked as she sat down on a chair and pushed off her shoes. Almost all of the "dorms" had the same furniture: two beds, two desks, two chairs, one closet, and one drawer. Usually, the students had a roommate, unless they were new or didn't want one. Most had a window and were decorated to the students' liking. This room was shared by Jubilee and River since they were related. Jean was one of the students who had her own separate room because of her...well, her nightmares. Like last night.

One side of the room, Jubilee's side, had a cork board hanging on the wall with collectable pins and buttons all over it. She switched them out on her jacket weekly. She also had posters of her favorite singers and movies up on the wall. The desk had a laptop (courtesy of her parents in California) and some more pins lying around. There was also some curling foams and hair ties. And homework of course.

On the other side, River's side, the desk was messy with papers. Papers and books were everywhere. Some of them were homework (especially the textbooks), some were her own collections of writing or for fun reading. River had posters of her favorite movies like Jubilee, but she also had records stapled to the walls. Her side was a bit neater, but not by much.

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