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Mia knew she couldn't handle the pain that she was causing Ben from running away, she knew he would find her again

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Mia knew she couldn't handle the pain that she was causing Ben from running away, she knew he would find her again. Her skinny legs couldn't take the pain of running anymore, so she did what she thought was right.

She went back into his arms.

The long haired brunette hailed a taxi, telling the man the familiar address she couldn't bare to see anymore, but knew it was the only option to keep everyone she cares about safe.

Once climbing out, Mia heard shouting from the living room, letting her know what she was bringing herself back into. A drunk mess named Ben Peterson.

"Mia? Is that you, baby?" The girl heard as she stepped into the house that was once hers, nodding her head slowly.

Her eyes filled with tears, while she comforted herself by rubbing her arm, "Yes Ben, it's me."

The intoxicated blonde looked up at his fragile girlfriend, smiling big at her. "I knew you would come back to me, darling," He whispered, his steps coming closer to her, "You have no idea what you would do without me." Ben cupped her cheeks, leaving a soft kiss on her lips.

Mia hid her discomfort, breaking apart from his grasp in a soft manner. She runs her fingers through her hair, holding back a sob. "I'll get started on dinner, okay? I'm starving."

"You wouldn't be so hungry if you didn't run away from me, would you?" Ben scoffed, taking a whisk of his beverage. The girl steps back, knowing what's to come.

"Ben, I'm so-"

Ben doesn't let her finish as he grabs ahold of her wrist, backing her up against the wall. "You ungrateful little bitch, you think I'll accept you apology after all you've put me through? You ruined my life, Mia!"

Mia closes her eyes, trying to think of something positive to stop herself from sobbing. She couldn't help herself as tears rolled down her cheeks, causing Ben to become more enraged. "Don't you dare cry, you brought this all on yourself!"

A slap to the cheek and a push to the floor, Mia broke out into sobs over the fact she will never escape him. She couldn't help but think their was some truth to his words, that she did ruin his life.

Feeling his cool hands brought to her neck, a huge smirk wiped across his face, "Welcome to Seattle, Miss."

Suddenly, Ben vanished from her sight as Mia gets shaken awake by an older gentleman on the train she was aboard, welcoming her to the city that never quits raining.

"We made it to Seattle?" Mia questions, rubbing her eyes and looking out the window to see the Space Needle coming to view, as well as rain dropping out the window.

"Why yes, dear. You are the last one onboard, so you must get off now. Do you have any plans in the city?" The older crewmember questions the girl causing to nod her head in response, standing up slowly.

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