Chapter One

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flicker | a brief feeling or indication of emotion

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"ARE YOU READY Mae?" My best friend Francesca asks me as we both walk up to the large house at The Grove.

I let out a large sigh and nod once in response. The ginormous house is overwhelming and breathtaking at the same time. The cool air hits my bare shoulders and lifts the ends of my hair causing them to float even if for just a moment.

Francesca loops her arm through mine and pulls me forward into the mansion. My best friend loves parties, just as much as she loves being the center of attention. Not in a bad way, she is popular and well liked and extremely beautiful, so why wouldn't she want all eyes on her. Why she's friends with me I will never know, but I'm thankful for her because she pushes me out of my comfort zone. Like attending this party.

As soon as we step through the threshold of the doors, heat engulfs us as well as the smell of sweat and beer. It's not actually cold out, but to us Floridians it might as well be in the negatives. It smells and sounds just like any other high school party, and nerves wind their way into my chest. I appreciate my best friend for making me step out of the box, but that doesn't make it any easier on someone who is as introverted as I am.

I've always sat in the background as Francesca takes all the glory, because she flourishes in the light while I wither away from it. But at more social events such as parties I'm forced to take in more light then I usually do, which only frightens me.

"I need a drink right now," Francesca states as she begins to walk towards the kitchen dragging me along behind her.

She knows if she asks me for a drink I'll say no, so instead she pulls me with her knowing if she puts a drink in my hand I will at least sip on it.

"What do you want?" she asks with a smile as she slides behind the island and begins to play bartender.

I shrug not really caring. "Whatever you're having Franny," I respond as I always do.

"Good choice," she smirks.

Francesca flips her dark hair over her shoulder and begins to whip out the ingredients for her favorite drink. An amaretto sour with two ice cubes and a single orange.

People slide their way in and out through the kitchen always saying hello to Francesca, and casting small waves to me. I'm the afterthought, the side note in every way, but I don't mind. This is a small town, but fairly wealthy. While I'm not poor, I'm also not anywhere near loaded like my friend Francesca or others who live here at The Grove. My mother gives me everything she can, but I don't ask for much in return either. Though I also don't talk much about my life around these people.

They would judge me without even knowing me, and I won't let that happen. Because they would make me feel as if I should be ashamed when I know I'm not. I have a loving mother, which is more than a lot of people can say about their own parents here.

"Here you go," Francesca sings as she slides her drink at me over the marble counter.

I lift the cold drink to my lips and sip on the sourness of the drink.

Francesca comes over to stand next to me as we lean against the counter facing the main scene of the gathering. People make out, dance, and mingle as the loud party music wraps through their ears and tears through their bodies.

"Did you see Asher?" Francesca asks as she gulps down almost half her drink in one large sip.

I shake my head. "Nope," I answer honestly. But it's not as if I was looking for him either when I walked into his house. My best friend has made it her mission to get Asher as we only have four months left of high school before we all head off to college.

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