Chapter Twenty-One

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I'M LEANING AGAINST the faded red brick outside of a small watch repair shop downtown. Spring break ended with my mother and I drinking champagne after a hike in California followed by us indulging in one too many chocolates on the balcony of our hotel room and watching the sunset.

It wasn't the spring break my peers or even my best friend had that involved scandalous hook-ups and partying in Mexico until they were massively hung-over. But it was the spring break I needed.

Asher texted me this morning asking me to come over after school, but I denied. I wasn't ready to be completely alone with him after a week of being free from him. Free from the smoke that is making my lungs and soul so heavy. So then Asher asked just to see me in general after I avoided him most of the day at school, and I told him only if we were in public. I knew that wasn't smart as we can't really be together in public but I also knew I needed people around us. I needed the space, I needed a clean breath of air to clear my confused mind.

His jeep pulls into view and I linger for a second as he rolls down the passenger side window. His stormy eyes lock on mine and a sexy grin pulls at the lips I love too much. I push off the wall letting the brick scrape against my bare shoulders without a wince.

I pull open the door and climb into his car. The crisp smell of pine and the smooth feel of his leather seats against my thighs cause a sigh to flutter from my lips. I feel at ease surrounded by the dark interior, by his smell, by him.

"Hi," I breathe realizing this is the first time I've spoken to him since break. We didn't have school Monday and today I made sure to avoid the Francesca and Asher show. The show I saw all over social media. The kissing, the dancing, the body shots, and the jealousy that crept through my body and squeezed my heart until it was almost too hard to speak.

"Did you get a donut?" he asks as his fund is still set up for me to eat my weight in pink sprinkled fried goodness.

"Maybe," I shrug playfully, letting a smile touch my lips. One I can't stop as my eyes rake over his tanned skin and flushed cheeks from the sun. His hair is even a bit lighter, he's always been attractive but at this moment he's everything I want. Everything I've missed and pain strikes my chest at the thought. "Why?" I question casually trying to push away the overwhelming feelings he stirs within me.

He leans forward until one of his hands wind through my long hair. "Because I love the way you taste after eating one," he admits quietly against my lips before he kisses me fully.

The kiss is desperate almost as if he missed me as much as I missed him. As if he craves me as much as I crave him. The kiss only lasts a few moments but it's one that takes everything away. My breath, my train of thought, and a piece of me I'm too scared to even admit he might own.

He pulls back letting his tongue dart out to trace his own lips as if he's trying to taste me even after the kiss. My body flushes and my blood runs hot fully aware if we don't change the direction of the conversation now we are going to end up back at his place. And his place always ends with him drunk, high, or both, and me tipsy and naked letting him drag me into his bad intentions.

Asher's fingers twirl a piece of my hair before letting it drop and pulling away fully so his hands land back on the steering wheel.

"I have a surprise for you," he tells me as he shifts the car into drive and heads down the street away from downtown Easton.

"Does it involve baking?" I tease with a smile knowing he is fully aware of my slight obsession with all things involving sugar.

"Nope," he says with a slight shake of his head as the radio plays quietly in the background. "Better," he tells me with complete confidence.

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