Baby Steps

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It was a month before Tony heard from Ziva again, and he didn't so much hear from her as he did see her.

She was finally back at work, but she spent the morning ignoring him so it really wasn't any different.

"DiNozzo, our witness just got off his flight."

Tony put his game of Tetris on hold to look over at Gibbs. "You want me to go pick him up at the airport, Boss?"

"No, DiNozzo, I want you to go fishing and kick back with a beer."

"Sure, Boss."

"Take Ziva."

He couldn't have been the only one who saw Ziva's head jerk up at that.

"Car rides do not feel good on my hip," she said in a weak attempt to change Gibbs' mind.

"It's a short drive," he answered.

Tony noticed that she huffed as she got to her feet, and it wasn't from pain. She was still ticked off at him, a month later.

They didn't speak in the elevator, or in the parking lot, or even in the car. It wasn't until they were in the airport looking for their witness that Tony decided he had to say something.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen," he said, barely loud enough to be heard. If she cared enough to be listening, she'd hear it.

She glanced his way, but that was as much of a reaction as he was going to get.

"But I stand by what I said about Ray."

She seemed to pick up her pace, but he stayed at her side.

"You don't have to listen to my opinions. But just keep in mind you've always trusted my gut in the past. And I never steered you wrong. Just remember that."

Ziva stopped. "You think it is that easy? That I can just take your opinion and say to Ray, a man I know better than you do, that I cannot see him anymore because you do not trust him?"

Tony wasn't sure what to say, because that kind of was what he was getting at.

"I know Ray. You do not know him like I do."

"That's true," Tony said grudgingly.

"Yes, so things that may seem odd to you may be perfectly explainable to me."

He had to clench his jaw to avoid bringing up all the ruined plans. "It's not like I'm purposely out to trash your relationship. I can't help what I feel."

Her eyes narrowed.

"Instincts, Ziva. I can't control them."

"Then learn." She started walking again.

"That's not even possible. You should know that. Do you remember when you kimbo-sliced through that room full of guards? You told me it was instinct, even after we had been given orders not to engage. So you should know better than anyone else that instincts can't be suppressed."

Again Ziva slammed on her brakes. "Do not use my words against me, Tony."

He grabbed her by the upper arm, something he hadn't done in a while. "Look. You don't have to like what I'm saying. But you can at least hear me out."

"What if I am done listening?" She wrenched her arm away from him and he knew the conversation was over.


She stalked towards the exit terminal, scanning faces for the one in the file. What kind of point was Gibbs trying to make, sending her with Tony? Gibbs knew that they had fought, and he knew that they hadn't spoken since.

Forcing them to work together wasn't going to fix the problem.

Ziva finally laid eyes on their witness, and she waved. "Zachary Bloom?"

"Are you NCIS?" the man asked warily.

She nodded and flashed her badge for good measure. She stiffled a sigh when Tony caught up with them.

"A psychologist, right?" Tony asked.

"Yes. Got my license almost fifteen years ago."

"Wow. It doesn't get depressing talking about people's problems all the time?"

Ziva tuned them out.

She was tempted to take a cab back to headquarters, but Tony opened the passenger side door for her and gave her no choice but to get in the squad car.

"Maybe we should have a session with this guy," he said, only partially joking. "Get our partnership back on track."

"I don't have any plans outside of testifying," Zachary Bloom chimed in. "My evenings are free up until I fly back to Ohio."

Ziva wasn't a fan of psychologists, never had been. But if this guy could fix things between her and Tony...


Because fixing things with Tony would force her to tell him the entire truth, and she didn't want any more people to know about what Ray did. She didn't think she could face Tony or any of her coworkers if they knew that Ray was currently on trial for his mistake, if they knew what he had done.

"That will not be necessary," Ziva said, turning to acknowledge the psychologist in the backseat. "Tony, if you do not have any other plans, would you like to come to my place for dinner tonight?" It was a struggle to get the words out.

His expression was that of complete surprise.

"That's where you say yes," Zachary Bloom offered.

Tony cleared his throat. "Uh, sure. That sounds nice."

She didn't miss the suspicious glance he gave her.

"Isn't Ray eating with you?"

"He has other obligations." And by the end of the night, Tony would unfortunately know what those other obligations were.


They returned to silence, only breaking it to answer the psychologist's occasional questions about the capital.

Ziva caught Tony glancing her way more than once. Maybe it would be good to get everything out in the open.


A little shorter today, but only because it's a holiday and I've actually been busy for once.

As you may have noticed, I posted the first part of my other story. If you guys are enjoying this story, please check out All Your Fault. I'll even let you in on a little secret... It started out as a Tiva fanfiction. Seriously. If you love Tiva, you will love Rani and Tristan. And it will make my world if someone other than myself reads that story.

Additionally, my good pal StupidSquirrel7 has started writing his own story, called Black Out. You can find that on his profile. It's really good so far.

You guys are so awesome.


Also, if you are participating in July 4th festivities, please be careful.

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