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Keep in mind I have four updates waiting. The sooner we get to 1k, the sooner we can have an update marathon!!!


Tony was awakened by a sharp rap on his door. He yawned as he sat up and glanced at the time.

It was barely past four. What was Ziva playing at? They hadn't even returned to the house until a little after midnight!

"Tony! Hurry up!" she called through the door, knocking again.

"I'm awake! Stop that, will you?"

The door flew open, sending the knob into the wall. Ziva didn't seem to care. She was already dressed and packing heat.

"Anxious?" he asked. "You look ready to kill someone."

She frowned at him, and he knew he shouldn't have said it, but he thought he was pretty clever.

"Get up and be ready to go in five minutes, or I am going alone."

He swung his legs out of bed and found the floor. "Okay, whoa there, you can't do that."

"Watch me." She turned and stormed out.

"Yikes." Tony stood up, pausing to stretch for a moment, and then went to the small closet. He didn't remember hanging his clothes up, but then again, he was a little dazed when they got home from the party.

He threw on some clothes and hurried downstairs.

Ziva was waiting next to the door, arms crossed over her chest. "Took you long enough."

Tony bit back a reply and silently followed her outside. "Where'd the car come from?"

"I called my father and asked him to send a rental. You did not think we were going to do this in a taxi, did you?"

"Well, no..." He sighed and climbed into the passenger seat. He hated Ziva's driving, but she knew the area far better than he did. Here, she was actually the superior driver.

Not that he'd ever admit it.

"So where are we off to?" he asked.

Of course she didn't answer.

They drove in silence for a good half hour, and Tony was sure he was going to have a serious case of whiplash by time they reached their destination. Ziva's driving was more unpleasant than he remembered.

"There," she murmured, taking a hand off the wheel to point at a tall glass building.

"Um, Ziva..." He stared at her hands, the one being on the arm rest, the other pointing out the window. "Ziva!"

They jerked to the side, getting out of the semi-truck's way not a second too soon.


She certainly didn't look sorry.

Tony kept his own hands gripped around the arm rests, absolutely positive he was going to die.

They pitched forward yet again, and Tony was sure that this was it, his last moment on Earth, but Ziva unbuckled her seat belt and hopped out of the car. "Tony, are you coming or not?"

He slowly straightened up and glanced around. "We're alive?"

Ziva huffed at him and slammed her door shut.


"Why are we here? Do you know who the killer is? Is he here? Or she? Ziva, are you going to tell me anything?" Tony kept spitting questions at her as they strode up to the skyscraper and went right in the front doors.

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