Picking at the Wound

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^^^ Wanted (orig by Hunter Hayes), cover by Alex Goot and Julia Sheer... Kinda fits the situation, sort of...


Tony's eyelids fluttered as he slept.

Somewhere in the dark recesses of his mind, Tony was staring at his partner, wondering how it was possible for any one person to be so incredibly beautiful.

"Tony, close your mouth," Ziva teased.

He obeyed, but he just couldn't stop staring at her. 

She was everything he ever wanted.

"Stop staring. You are being creepy."

"Sorry." He tried to look away, he really did. "You just look so... wow."

Her lips curled up in a smile as she came closer.

Tony's heart jumped into his throat as she pressed herself to him. All he did was blink and then Ziva's lips were crashing into his, pulling emotions out of him he didn't know existed.

His hands were on her back, her hands in his hair, and nothing had ever felt so perfect.

"Tony," she whispered.

"What?" He tried to catch his breath. He just wanted to keep kissing her.

But she was disentangling herself from his arms. "Let me go, Tony."

"What? No! No, Ziva-"

"Let me go," she repeated, backing away from him.

"Ziva, wait!"

She was slipping away from him faster than sand through his fingers.



His eyes flew open, and he was suddenly aware of the fact that he was hopelessly tangled in his bed sheets. And Ziva was sitting at his feet, watching him.

"How'd you get in here?" was the first thing to escape his lips.

She smirked. "You did not lock the door."

Tony pulled the blanket up to his chin, also very aware of his being half-naked.

"Do not worry about that. I already saw." Ziva's eyes crinkled up as she tried not to laugh.

He sighed. "How long have you been sitting there?"

"Maybe a couple minutes," she said with a shrug. "Long enough to hear you say my name in your sleep. I hope it was an innocent dream you were having."

"Of course," he said, trying to think up a lie in case she asked for details. Might as well nip it in the bud. "You were chasing a dog, and I saw it turn into a dragon, but you didn't, so I was just warning you."

"That is... interesting." Was she maybe the slightest bit disappointed? It was hard to tell.

"And innocent." Way more innocent than the truth. "So... Why are you in my apartment, watching me sleep?"

"Oh. Just checking up on you."

Tony rolled over to look at the time. "Guess I slept all day."

"Probably for the best. Gibbs would not have let you come to work."

"Don't I know it." He sat up, still being very careful with the bedding. "How about you go out to the living room while I put some clothes on?"

"Sure." He didn't miss that quick once-over she gave him, even though she was very discreet about it. 

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