All the Questions

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I still don't know where I want to go with this story, but I promised you I would update today. We just won't have a lot of Tony/Ziva, I'm thinking. Then again.... Okay. I think I made up my mind. I am going with Plan A.


"How is he?"

Ziva looked up from the report she was skimming. "What?"

"How is Ray?" Tony repeated.

"Oh." It was thoughtful of him to ask. "He is doing much better. The hospital is going to release him tomorrow."

"When does he go back to work?"

She shrugged. "He has some time off, and then he will have to pass the psych-eval." It wasn't every day that you got kidnapped by an angry widower.

"He'll be fine."

And why was he being so nice?

"What is your problem?" she asked, looking at him skeptically.

Tony smiled. "I'd hate for you to have to call off the wedding, especially when you have so many lovely guests coming."

"I would stay away from my relatives, if I were you," she warned. "My cousins are Mossad also, and you do not want to mess with them."

"I mess with you."

"But I know you. They do not. They will not find it amusing when you try to flirt."

"Do you find it amusing?"

"You have never flirted with me," she answered simply. It was true. Not once had Tony openly tried to charm her.

"I could if you want me to."

"I am getting married."

"Right, right. There's that little technicality."

She rolled her eyes.

"So how's the planning going? Got a dress picked out? The cake flavor? The color scheme? The bridesmaids and groomsmen?"

"Actually..." The plan was to wait until a little closer to the wedding, but she figured it couldn't hurt to spills the news a bit early. "I plan to ask Abby to be my maid of honor."

She didn't miss the look that crossed his face.


"Just... I mean, she was supposed to be the best man at Jimmy's wedding. Do you think she's cut out to be maid of honor?"


He shrugged. "Your call. Any other members chosen?"

"You make it sound like I am chosing new initiates to a cult."

"In a way, you are. Beverages that can cause hallucinations, the possibility of naked dancing around an open flame-"

Ziva hit him with a three-hole-punch before he could finish.

"Sorry. Okay, anyway, any others?"

"Yes, but now I am reconsidering." She wasn't really, but she wanted to see the swirl of emotions in his eyes. "I was thinking I would ask you..."

"Ask me what?"

"To be the flower girl."

He burst out laughing, exactly the opposite of the reaction she had expected.

"That is all you have to say?" she asked. Yeah, she was a little disappointed.

"If you want me to be your flower girl, I will be the best dang flower girl the tristate area has ever seen," he said solemnly.

It was Ziva's turn to laugh. "Okay, no, I was going to ask you to be the best man."


Even though that was exactly what he wanted to hear, he was still stunned to hear it from her lips.

"Doesn't Ray have any friends?" he asked.

"He was CIA. He traveled constantly. He did not have time for close friendships."

"No cousins or brothers or fun coworkers?"

Why was he protesting? Heck, yeah, he wanted to be Ziva's best man! Best man.

"No. And besides, we discussed it, and we agreed that you have been very... understanding and supportive through this whole mess."

If by understanding and supportive she meant that he was very good at being a doormat and letting his feelings get trampled on.

"But you are forbidden to throw any kind of raunchy banchelor party."

"What other kind of bachelor party is there?" he asked, but Ziva was already talking again.

"Any plans you have must be run by me first. Guests, locations, anything even remotely questionable. Do you hear me?"

"Loud and clear."

"Good. I would hate to have to give your position away to someone else."

"And who might that be?" He was genuinely curious. Who ranked just below him on Ziva's list of favorite guys?

She shrugged. "None of your concern."

"McGee. Jimmy. Gibbs."

"Gibbs has another role to play."

That was news to him. "What's that?"

"Must you know everything?"

"Yes." He flashed her a smile, a whopping seven on the DiNozzo meter. He always tried to stay below a five with Ziva, lest his smile led to the fiery destruction of their friendship.

"Gibbs is taking my father's position and walking me down the aisle."

It was fitting, he had to admit. Gibbs was more of a father to Ziva than fancy-pants Director David ever was.

"If you are done interrogating me about my wedding, I would really like to finish this reading," she said.

"Sure, sure, I can be done for now." He left her alone, as asked, and went to go find McGee. He needed to brag to someone.


"Aw, really?" Abby was estatic to hear the news. "This is so sweet!" She pulled Ziva in for a happy hug. "When should I start planning? Have you ordered a cake yet? I know a guy who makes the most amazing cakes, and they're pretty cheap usually... What about the dresses for the bridesmaids? Do we have a color scheme or general look in mind? And flowers! There's a guy down the street from me who grows the best black roses-"

"That will not he necessary," Ziva interrupted. "I have not ordered the cake or flowers but Ray and I have already picked them out. I have not picked out any dresses, but I would like to have the bridesmaids in dusty pink and the groomsmen in dark gray."

Abby clapped her hands excitedly. "I can't wait!"

Ziva gave a nervous smile.

"And what about your dress? I need to see a picture, stat."


"Ziva. Please tell me you already have your dress."

That look on Ziva's face was driving her nuts.

"Okay, at least tell me you've looked."

"Yes, I just... I asked the store to hold it for me. I was not sure if I liked it or if the wedding was still on track..."

"The wedding is on, girl! No excuses. You are taking me to see that thing tomorrow and we're going to gush over how perfect you look and then you're going to buy it and be totally, 100% happy with your choice." Maybe she was being a little bossy, but she was only doing it because she was going to take her maid of honor role very seriously.

Abby never did anything halfway.


Sorry if I disappointed you, but this was my plan from the start (except I never thought it would be so long).


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