Where Do We Go From Here?

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Buffy, anyone?

Also... this is unedited because I'm lazy. Enjoy!


Tony glanced over at Ziva again. He still wasn't sure how he had gotten her to agree to have dinner with him.

Maybe she was just so jetlagged she didn't know what she was doing.

"You are staring again," she murmured. She brought her wine glass to her lips and he couldn't tear his gaze away. "Tony."

"Sorry." He blinked and tried to focus on his steak. It wasn't as nice to look at.

He nearly jumped out of his seat when Ziva's hand moved over to cover his. What on earth was she doing?

"Where do we go from here?" she asked softly.

"I don't know."

"Where do you want this to go?"

"Where do you want this to go?"

She frowned at him.

"I'm sorry." He used his free hand to rub his face. "I'm terrible at discussing relationships."

"So you think we have one."

"A relationship?"


"Of course we do. I'm just... not sure what it is exactly. I think after Tel Aviv, we're a little bit more than partners or friends."


He paused, hoping maybe she would throw him a line, help him out. If she let him continue, he was just going to dig himself a nice, deep grave. Nope. She was going to let him bury himself. "I think 'friends with benefits' is a little too crude."

"But is that the relationship you want?" Her voice was still so soft, making him sleepy.

He didn't want to screw this up. "No. We deserve more than that."

Her eyes widened, and he knew he had to make the leap, explain what he meant, before she took that the wrong way.

"I, uh... I think we should go with what feels right. There's obviously an attraction here, so... I think we should give it a shot."

"Do you?" 

He kind of wanted to laugh. It looked like now Ziva was the one stalling for time. He could almost hear her mind whirling.

"I really do. We already broke Rule #12. We've come this far. Why not continue?"

"That is... a good point."

Okay, he had to laugh. "Are you always this logical when it comes to relationships?"

"No, but..." She played with her napkin. "It is you. I do not want to make any mistakes."

"Mistakes are a part of the package."

"I do not want to risk what we already have if we are not meant to... take it further."

"I think we could survive it, if we don't work out. We're both good at getting back up on our feet."

"You think so?"

How would longer would he have to fight for them? "I know so."

Her eyes crinkled as she laughed. "That was so cheesy."

"I watch a lot of cheesy movies."

"I know." She touched his hand again, and he found it hard to believe she was still digging in her heels. If she kept touching him like this, surely there was a part of her that wanted them to move forward as something more.

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