Chapter 21

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Dean shot up in a cold sweat on Jodys couch, Sam jolting awake right next to him. Dean felt the sudden weight off his shoulders plummet back down and he felt as if he was suffocating.

"Dean!" Jody enveloped him in a hug, "you're okay."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." Deans voice was hoarse and he felt Sam staring at him.

"I'm gonna go make some dinner and prepare the guest rooms for both you. You're staying the night." Jody made her way to the kitchen.

"You don't gotta do for us, Jody." Sam called after her.

"Yes I do! You're like my sons."

Dean slowly looked to his side to meet Sam's eyes. He immediately fell into his brothers open arms.

"I know, Dean. I know." Sam took in a shaky breath as he tightened his hug.

"I miss Cas." He whispered, almost inaudible.

"I know you do." Sam kept his brother in a tight hold, Dean burying his face into his shoulder, "It's gonna be okay." That was when he realized, Dean was crying. "It's gonna be okay, I promise."

Jody watched the chick flick moment from the kitchen, sighing sadly. She understood how much pain Dean was in. "Claire! Alex! Dinner's ready!" She called to the girls upstairs and motioned Sam and Dean to go to the table.

Sam was going to find a way to bring back Castiel, no matter what it took. Jody, Alex, and Claire were talking about their days while Sam and Dean stayed silent.


They made their way down the steps of the bunker, sighing in relief at the relaxed feeling that washed over them the minute they were met with the map table.

"Jody's food was good." Dean mumbled as he set his jacket on the map table.

"Are we not gonna talk about your dream?" Sam sighed, setting his jacket down as well.




"Your dream is everyone we know alive. Bobby and Ellen married, Cas and you dating, me and Gabe dating. A life where monsters don't exist."

"No shit, Sam. I'd do anything for us to not have this life. To be happy, you to go back to college." Dean pulled out a chair at one of the many tables in the library as Sam handed him a beer.

"I'm sorry, Dean."

"It's not your fault. I would've died if I stayed in that nightmare. I'd rather be here protecting my little brother anyway."

They sat at the table, looking at Deans laptop as he pulled up a movie and hit play.

"Hello, Dean"

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