Where is the real battle field?

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I roll over in bed with Johnathan's arm wrapped around my waist lightly. I look up at his face to find him just waking up. He looks down at me and gives a sleepy smile and whispers "Good Morning Beautiful." I return the smile and bury my face in his chest and breath in his smell. " I could get used to this. Waking up with you, like this. Not having to wake up at the crack of dawn and being able to sleep in. Being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want to do it." He started to laugh, a real laugh. I looked up at him slightly confused because I figured he would have agreed with me. He's smiling at me " Babe. You may love it now but I promise you, by the end of the month your going to be up at the crack of dawn and doing everything by a schedule because your a marine. You were born a marine, right down to your core. That's one of the things I love about you. Being a marine came naturally to you, it's who you are. And I have no doubt that you will want to be deployed again as soon as the doctor clears you." I take a second to think about that. "How do you know me so well?" He laughs again and rolls out of bed. " It will forever be a mystery to everyone."

I slowly roll out of bed and follow him down stairs where he starts coffee and I start to realize that we have yet to go grocery and have no food in the house what so ever. I turn to him and sigh. He takes one look at me and shuts off the coffee maker. " We will go out for breakfast and then we will hit Kroger. Deal?" I give a small laugh, smile, and walk over to give him a small peck on the lips. " Deal"

We walk into the small diner and look for a place to sit. We find a small booth towards the back and take a seat. No sooner did the waitress take our drink order of coffee did my father walk in. I was too busy looking at the menu that I didn't even notice that he walked in with my mother until Johnathan gave a small laugh and whispered under his breath "like father, like daughter." I slowly looked up and then behind me and waved them over. They joined us in our booth with me father across the table with Johnathan and kelly next to me and then my mother on the end. My father speaks up " It's funny to see you here. I would have figured you would have slept in longer. But let me guess you still have no food in the house?" After we shook our heads and laughed he replied, " I used to do that all the time when I came home from deployment. I would sleep for days, forget to stop at the store and end up eating at a diner somewhere." We laugh again and then Johnathan looks me in the eye " See, I told you. Father like daughter." I laugh. "Maybe it's just a marine thing?" That made us all laugh.

Once we got home we start to put the groceries away and I flip on the TV and its still about the marine base. After everything was put away we both sit on the couch and listen to the current updates about the base. "How are we going to fix that if we don't even know if we are correct?" I turn and look him in the eye. " I don't know, but I do know that there is something wrong there. I can feel it in my gut and I know I have to do something about it." He gives a slight shake of his head. " If that gut of yours hadn't saved my ass so many times I would think that your crazy right now." I smile. " It's a Gibbs thing. and I wouldn't blame you. I do some pretty crazy stuff." He leans over and connects our lips. When we pull apart he smile at me " What would I do without you?" I give a small laugh. " I think you would be dead by now." Not a second after I had said those words did a grenade come flying through the window and Johnathan pulling me to the ground and behind the couch. Just as the grenade goes off I look straight into his blue eyes and see the fear in them because not only did we leave the battle field, we also managed to bring it home with us.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________A/N- Okay, sorry this is short and if you thought I was awful at updating earlier expect it to be worse because band is starting tomorrow. So I'm sorry but the chances of me doing anything besides band and school and volunteering once school starts will be beyond me. But I will do my best and I still have three weeks until school starts so lets hope for the best. Again sorry and thank you for all the support.

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