♡2-The Baby Talk♡

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Song: Patient Love by Passenger

Quote from Song: “And though you will not wait for me, I'll wait for you.”


“We should have a baby.”

Kendra blinked. And blinked. And blinked again. Harry wants to have a baby. A baby.

“Harry, dear,… are you high?”

“What?” Harry cackled, “No, I’m serious. We should have a baby.”

Kendra nodded slowly, “And we will…eventually…you know when the universe wants it-”

“No, no. I mean after we get married, yeah?”

Liam came over and sat next to Kendra, “What are we talking about?”

Kendra, still shocked, continued staring at Harry and Harry answered, “I told Kendra that we should have a baby.”

Liam’s face lit up, “That would be amazing! After you get married? A baby, how adorable is that?”

“Who’s adorable?” Niall questioned next.

“Ken and Harry are gonna have a baby, Ni!” Liam exclaimed cheerfully.

And was Kendra that only one who had a problem with this?

Niall, always the cheerful one, exclaimed, “A baby! A little bundle of joy! Can we name it Niall if it’s a boy?!”

Soon enough, everyone had joined the conversation and were talking about baby names. And Kendra? She was still in shock.

Snapping out of it, Kendra stopped all the chatter with a, “Shut up!”

Harry, along with everyone else, looked at her confusedly.

Kendra simply huffed, “Am I the only one not okay with this?! I love you, Harry, I really do, but a baby? I know we’re getting married and all, but a baby is too much for us right now. You’re at the peak of your career and I’m just getting started here, we can’t have a baby.”

Everyone looked at Kendra like she had two heads, but really? Surely she wasn’t the only one who didn’t think that this was a good idea?

Nina sighed and took Kendra’s hand in her own, “Ken, c’mon. A baby? That would be amazing; I know you guys are ready.”

Kendra looked bewildered, “No, Nina. I’m barely ready to get married-”

And, oh. She didn’t mean that.

She quickly looked to Harry and quickly tried to explain, “No, no, Harry. That’s not what I meant-”

But Harry was already walking out of the room, towards the main lobby, and out the double doors. The love of his life just said that she wasn’t ready to marry him, and that hurt.

He sauntered towards his car, only to realize that Kendra still had the keys. “Bloody hell,” he mumbled to himself. Well, he thought, time to start walking.


Two hours later, Kendra found herself pacing back and forth in her living room. Harry wasn’t home yet. She had no idea where he was, and she was beyond worried.

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