♡5-The Happily Ever After♡

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A/N: I know it's not Friday and I usually update on Friday. I was supposed to tell you dumplings that I'd update today instead of Friday like usual but I forgot...so yeah...SURPRISE. Ugh horrible surprise right? Anywho, bigger surprise! This is the last chapter before the epilogue. That's a sucky surprise too! Even bigger surprise, the epilogue is going up Friday! Yay? Better?! No... so, this was my original plan and yeah. But it'll be extra long so yay! So Friday...Karry ends (what a horrible way to put it). Friday! The Karry books will come to their happily ever after (better...)! Okay wow this is long um enjoy please. Love you guys.

(And I'm telling you know there will be very long passages and long bits of dialogue so sorry if they get boring. It must be this way!)

Song: Wings by Birdy

Quote from Song: "We'll remember tonight for the rest of our lives." (And I'm using bits of this song during the chapter. Please play it [for dramatic effect] during their first dance. Winky face. Thanks.)

The day after Kendra found out that she was pregnant; she had gone to her gynecologist to make sure she was pregnant. She and Harry anxiously waited in the all-white room; waiting for the results to come in. The doctor had come back in and had announced that Kendra was in fact pregnant. And Kendra, just like that first time, had burst into tears.

Harry and Kendra had found out that Kendra was around eight weeks pregnant, so her belly was barely noticeable. The engaged couple were told everything they needed to know about the pregnancy, and then they made their way home.

Kendra made sure to try on her dress once more to see if it still fit, luckily it did.

That night, they both called their parents. First came the conversation with Kendra's parents. They were ecstatic, and they agreed to talk about it more during the wedding. Kendra was happy that she was going to see her parents in two days, at the wedding. She was even excited to see her dad, even if they weren't on the best terms because of previous events. She decided to forgive and forget, but her relationship with him wasn't as strong.

Then, came the phone call with Anne and Robin. Anne had burst into tears and Robin congratulated them both. Harry laughed and told his mom that he, too, had cried the first time he heard the news. Much like with Kendra's parents, they agreed to have a talk about it at the wedding and then they hung up.

The next night, however, was fairly interesting. It was Kendra and Harry's bachelorette and bachelor parties. The two had wanted nothing more than to stay home and cuddle, but their friends were having nothing of it.

So, Kendra was dragged by Nina and all they guys' girlfriends out to a club. And, Harry reluctantly went with the guys and some of their musicians to a pub. The night was going fine, until both parties decided that it would be fun to bring in strippers. The girls brought in about four guys and the guys went with only two girls. Kendra's face had contorted into one of a mix of surprise and disgust, so she quickly excused herself and made her way outside, leaving the girls in shock. Harry had done the exact same thing, also shocking his mates.

Coincidentally enough the two had ended up walking to the same park. (Which made sense because the club and pub were both near the park.)

Harry spotted Kendra first and casually strolled up to her and hugged her from behind. Kendra jumped slightly, but relaxed when she heard Harry's voice.

"You know," Harry smirked, "it's not very safe for a young lady as beautiful as yourself to be out here all alone. Somebody could hurt you."

"Oh really?" Kendra turned in Harry's arms, now facing him. "Somebody like you?"

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