Chapter 1

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Shanaya's POV

"Amma Appa not again, I am just a 25 years old, how can you do this to me? I am not ready for a marriage." I literally choked upon my food when they told me that they are wanting me to get married to appa's friend, Krishnan uncles son Karthik Iyer. I had only heard about them, never met them. But I and seen Karthik's pictures many time on page 3 magazines. Not to deny but he did look really nice.

Someone was shouting my name out loudly and that got me out of my thoughts. It was my father "listen Shanaya it is decided you are meeting Karthik and his family tomorrow and no further decisions on this. Now eat your dinner." My dad declared his final decision, and I knew I couldn't argue further in that. Even Aditya Bhai tried to convince dad that he should not force me into this marriage but father being father didn't agree.

Having had enough of this drama, I left my food unfinished and rushed to my bed and called my best friend Ritika.

Karthik's POV

I was in my room chatting on the phone with Kavya when my father called me up and asked me to meet him now at his house. This was rare that he called me up late at night and called me home. "Okay Appa I am coming in sometime." This was something important, I knew it. I took my car keys of my BMW and rushed to my parents house.

In 30 mins I was there, I would have reached early but Mumbai traffic. I rushed inside, only to find my parents and siblings laughing. What the hell is happening I thought something important was to be told or something had happened. But here all of them are laughing like complete maniacs. I clear my throat so that the could know I was there. They called themsleves down. Then Appa asked me to go sit next to him.

As soon as I sat down Appa started off, " Karthik you are 27 years old, and you have gained such heights in business also at such young age." I had started getting some clues on where this discussion was leading, he continued" you know Ashish Subrmaniam right?" I nodded being confused now. " We want you to marry their daughter."

"WHAT have you guys lost it I don't want to marry her, or any other girl for that matter." I yelled, that was the first time I yelled on my parents. I have always heard and abided with everything they have told. But marriage was a big deal. I can't marry anyone I am committed to Kavya, and I love her a lot, to the moon and back.

"Karthik try to understand this kalyanam(marriage) is important for the business" my father tried convincing me. "But appa how is the kalyanam important for the business, we already have everything, we are in the top 5 best businesses in the business world, what more do we need?"I questioned my father. "Karthik beta(son) if you do this kalyanam we will get to have a deal with them, it's a joint venture for one and a half year, and if that happens we will be in the top 3"

" But appa this is not fair.... I was cut in between by appa "Karthik it's decided we are meeting Ashish's family tomorrow, no more argument."  My father spoke in an angry time.

My siblings and Amma were staring at Appa and me with shock, the two of us were always close, and never spoke like this to each other.

After all the nonsense that took place  I stormed out of my parents house and went back to my palace.

Next day

Shanaya's POV

Today I had meet Karthik, and when I wanted the day to go slow it went on a snap. I was all dressed up (the dress is shown up) when Laltika Bhabhi(sister in law) came in and told I was called outside. I went downstairs and sat next to by brother. That's when an lady who was my mother's age came and start next to me, who I guess is Karthik's mom. She asked me questions about my likes, what do I do and stuff. But by the way she spoke i figured out she was a really nice person. I hadn't dared to look up and see how Karthik looked, finally mustering some courage I look up, and what is see is amazing. There he was in a black Aarmani, with his hair set back, he looked AMAZING! I think he caught me shamelessly checking him out and gave me a smirk.

After my parents and his spoke for a while, they came to the main point, marriage. I don't think either of us had an option to tell our decision, we weren't allowed to go talk to each other also. I didn't even know when the date for my engagement got decided, and marriage. I was so busy on my thoughts. The date for my engagement was in a month and marriage in two months.

At that point I also questioned the fact that were we truly in the 21st century? Had things really changed since fifty years ago, where two people who were to be married were just told that they had to marry each other.  However I knew why this marriage was taking place, it was a business deal. Plus my parents liked Karthik, so he would be good person, who can keep me happy.

I hope you liked the chapter.
Amma means mom in Tamil
Appa means father in Tamil

The next chapter will be posted soon, stay tuned, and I will be open to feedback. Till then take care 😊

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