chapter 21

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Hey guys, I am back with a new chapter. I hope you like it and I have tried to make it long, it has Shanaya's and Karthik's POV. If you like the chapter please vote.

Karthik's POV

The whole day I was so busy with meetings, and then thinking about Kavya being pregnant. I don't even know if I should tell Shanaya or not, if I do tell her then how will she react, and I don't want any issue to come my way, as Amma and Appa are home.

I called Rehan asked him to come with me for partying, only of he is free. Which he was, this party was really needed, I had to clear my mind.

I went and informed Meera about the party and then left. Rehan and I were dancing, and just then Kavya came in and sorted me, she had come with someone, whom I didn't know. Then the three of us were dancing, and somehow Kavya kissed me, she inciatied the kiss, and I didn't even do anything. I didn't even give in to the kiss, I was beyond shocked so I was Rehan.

Soon after that Rehan and I left for home, I reached home and headed to me room, and Shanaya wasn't there! Where is she, it's really late. She won't stay out for so long, so I went to check on her room, and finally she I found her. Finally I let go my breath which I had held for so long.

She was in a party dress, that means she had gone out, what if she had gone out with Dhruv? I felt a sudden rush of anger in me, I called myself and picked Shanaya and took her to my room. Man she is so light .  I do t know why but I felt good.

I put her on the bed, went and changed and then went off to sleep. I don't know is how but I went off to sleep on the bed.

Next day

I felt some weight in my chest and woke up, it was Shanaya. She looked really beautiful in her sleep. Wait what is wrong with me. I tried to move her, and while doing so she woke up and looked at me with shock.

Shanaya's POV

I was shocked would be an understatement. Karthik and I were on the same bed, and how did I reach here. Stupid Karthik would have got you here, replied my subconscious mind.

Then I remembered the kiss, and I rushed out of the room, and Karthik looked on shocked.

I went down and instructed the cook to make south Indian food today, and then went up changed into my workout clothes. Then I headed to the gym, the kiss kept coming into my mind's.

This is it! I have had enough, now I am going to prove Karthik that Kavya is cheating n him, and then I am going to leave him and go really very far away from his life. It will be a little difficult as I had fallen in love with Karthik. I don't know know how it happened, it just happened.

I went home took a bath and then got ready  for office. I didn't have breakfast, as I had a really important meeting. I left a note for the family and headed to my office.

I tried a lot but couldn't get over the kiss. I reached office and then we r and prepared for the meeting. I was sitting in my cabin waiting for the clients, just the. I got Rehans message.

R- Bhabhi we have got some proof, as in pictures of them together.

Me- that's great! Let's just hope we get all the proof quickly.

R- ya Bhabhi, don't worry.

Me-hmm, chalo bye I have a meeting to attend.

R- okay bye, and all the best for the meeting.

Me- thanks

I wanted to get the proofs fast. I wanted all this bullshit to get over, o wanted all this message to be solved. I was getting stressed out because of this. "Ma'am the clients are here, they are waiting for you in teh conference room." It was my PA, "you go I am coming." I told her, and she nodded and left.

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