♥3. What They Say About Each Other♥

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Words do mean alot. they explain the things we say. and i know this chapter will be so good!
P.S. This is the hardest chapter for me to make because it took forever to find quotes about them talking about each other. but it was worth it!

  A Few Quotes From Emma Stone And Andrew Garfield About Love. My ultimate favorite celebrity couple and will always be is Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield, not only because they're adorable, but because they're handling their relationship the right way. 

And they are so real and honest and not fake like other couples or celebs.

I Love them so much!

 ''When i saw her, it was like i woke up when she came in the room.'' - Andrew

''He's a very important person to me.'' - Emma

I will write a book one day about how I feel about every aspect of Emily Stone."

-Andrew Garfield

"It's possible to have many types of connections-emotional, intellectual, and physical. It's purely luck if you find that person, and it's like 'vroom,' and it makes sense. There's something kind of terrifying and exhilarating about it. " -Andrew Garfield

''She's just the sun, and she's got such depth, she can do anything, you know, she's magic'' - Andrew 

''He's just someone that i've learned so, so much from and just as an actor, he is so incredibly present and fluid and it was an honour to act with him.'' - Emma ( on working with him in ''Amazing Spider-Man'' 2012

''It's a testament to Emma... and what she brings to this film, A woman following her own path and living her destiny just as much as Peter Parker / Spider-Man is living his, Emma's the most beautiful role model for woman and young girls, and no better actress could be playing the part like she does.'' - Andrew

"we care about each other so much, and that's a given, that's kind of this unconditional thing" - andrew garfield  

  You're on a desert island and can have one actor or actress with you. Who?
Emma Stone. I love Emma. She's all right. She can come.  - Andrew

Keaton: "Andrew Garfield said, 'Working with Emma was like diving into a thrilling, twisting river [Stone laughs] and never holding on to the sides. From the start. To the end. Spontaneous. In the moment. Present. Terrifying. Vital. The only way acting with someone should be.' My God. I mean, what did you feel when you heard such a dream-come-true observation?"

Stone: "He is such a poet. [laughs] But that's the way he writes
in general. So I hear it and of course my heart swells up. And I also know that he writes things like that on a daily basis. [laughs]"

Keaton: "No way."

It was like I woke up when she came in. She was the last person to screen-test, and I was so bored of it by then... And then she came in, and it was like diving into white-water rapids and having no desire to hang on to the side. Throughout shooting, it was wild and exciting. I couldn't help but try to stay with her, keep pace with her, and not let her get away."  - Andrew

  She's the best. She's very talented and I knew that going in. I didn't know how nice she was going to be and how funny and how sweet and how generous she was going to be as a human being. She's the kind of girl who brings cupcakes in for the crew and doesn't tell them that they are from her. She really wanted to get under the skin of the character and make something authentic and real. She's playful and fun and silly and constantly helped me to stay in a place where I didn't take things too seriously. That's important for me because I'm pretty serious as a person. It gets on my nerves how serious I can be. So she was a real gift. - Andrew Garfield  

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