Chapter 21/Part 2 - Show Stopper

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As soon as he saw Duskerro drifting down over the markets, Franz hurried over to greet the final guests. But more importantly, to wait for Saloonka to join in. He was rather eager to introduce the fiend to the quaint fun of cabbage tossing and bobbing for spuds. His hair still dripping from his turn at the latter, and a new figurine to show for his success in the garden games. Saloonka's enthusiasm for almost drowning him in the bathtub had given him the edge he needed to hold his breath longer than his competitors.

"Excellent. Looks like morale is high, Franz," Saloonka smiled and touched one of his damp fronds.

"Quite! You should really—"

Saloonka spun away before he could finish and raised a silencing hand. "The heroes are coming. Get everyone into position."

Franz' jaw dropped, but he quickly brought it up again in exchange for a pensive frown as he contemplated what position he was expected to get everyone into. Battle positions were unlikely; Saloonka had made that clear enough with a complete lack of tactical training.

Then it came to him. The primary party position.

Franz hurried over to Vrye and called for a pause in his symphony, then coughed and asked to be excused until he had everyone's undivided attention.

"Everyone wearing socks, hide! On my signal, you're to leap out and shout 'Surprise'," he commanded, and sent a good portion of the horde scrambling for a nook, cap, cup, or window to hide in.

"You're learning," Saloonka grinned as he returned to Franz' side and gave him a well deserved pat on the head. "Ladies and Spots, you're to find the fellows and bring them here. Mother Franz, take up a central greeting pose and prepare to kick off the song and dance. Dad, start playing as soon as the surprise is sprung. And Mum,"

He paused and took a very deep, and very reluctant breath that burnt up the remainder of his cigarette. He calmly replaced it, lighting the new one on Duskerro's hind quarters, and continued, "grab the fireworks."

Duskerro spun in circles, squeaking with excitement. It was impossible to take him seriously as a dragon when he behaved like that.

"You're coming with me, Duskers, and you're not lighting them until I say so."

"What about the veggies?" asked a concerned farmer, plodding up with some damp spuds under his arm.

"Goldilocks, that's for you to manage. Have the cage ready to open in case the heroes aren't surprised enough. Everyone else, get a potato or two, and maybe a cabbage to throw just in case," Saloonka replied.

"Aye, aye!" the horde called in unison.

Feidai rushed up a stalk with the cage full of parsnips, waiting over the main path into the markets. Meanwhile the farmer rounded up the other vegetables and distributed them among the hiding horde.

"Rats and Pigeons, you're on lookout duties. Rats, if you see any heroic types, put a call through to Britney. Pigeons, if you see the heroes, help direct the Ladies to them. Franz, I hope you remember the steps I taught you."

With such plain instructions, Franz was sure everything would go well. Until he realised just how unclear things really were.

They were as unclear as the air had become, with Duskerro blanketing the markets in smoke so thick even the glow of the nearest mushrooms could not break through it. This of course made him rather unsure of what signal everyone was supposed to be waiting for, and how they were expected to find out about it.

Then Britney started to sing.

She had been working ever so hard on her call-song that it was almost a shame to answer it, not that Saloonka seemed to care. He rummaged in Franz' pockets until he found her, despite her best effort to escape through the lining of his coat.

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