Chapter Two - You Found Me

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Chapter Two

Murphy woke up gagged and in more pain than he had ever been since falling on earth. It came from his ribs, and Murphy screamed in pain when he felt a large impact hit it. His vision was blurred, and he could just barely make out a shadow in front of him in the darkness, which was sending it's large, monstrous fists towards his sides and face.

It wasn't long before he realized that there were two of them, and they were speaking in a language that he didn't understand. Murphy tried to move his hands to defend himself, but he couldn't. They were chained above his head. It frightened him to be in this position, it reminded him of when the 100 had tried to kill him by hanging him.

Murphy's breathing began to increase. What was happening to him? His heart beat was irratical, and he couldn't stop shaking. The feeling of the rope around his neck got tighter, and the fear got even stronger. He tried to push the thoughts away, he couldn't deal with them, not now. He had figured out that he was now beginning to have panic attacks, as Clarke had described them.

He scolded himself for thinking about Clarke, the girl who got him banished in the first place. He needed to let it go, but he couldn't. How could he?

Murphy groaned when he felt his lip split open after another punch. He didn't even know why they were hitting him, all he knew was that it hurt like hell.

At some point, he simply gave up, giving into the pain and darkness that was soon coming. He knew that if they kept doing this, he would die, but at that point it was getting so painful that he wanted nothing more.

Murphy slowly began to shut his eyes, not caring if they wanted him awake or not. It felt like forever, but they finally stopped. He thought that maybe they thought he was dead, until he heard them start screaming. At least, he thought it was them. His body convulsed when he heard gunshots. Actually, he wasn't really sure if it was gunshots. He was in too much of a daze to fully register what was happening. One thing that he knew for sure, however, is that he felt two warm hands on his face just before he fully slipped into unconsciousness.


Eve was nervous to say the least, they still hadn't found anything. They had all split up into three groups. Jack had come to the clearing with five other guys, including Adam. Adam and Eve were in one group, while Jack and two others were in another, and the other two were in the last one.

Adam was walking behind Eve, and was getting more and more observant by the second.

Suddenly, Eve felt her foot get caught on a root, and she fell flat onto the ground, hissing in pain when rocks and twigs poked at her skin. Of course, she could never have guessed that when she fell, she would see that piece of metal that gave her so much relief.

"Eve! Are you alright?!" Adam yelled, running over to her and helping her up.

"Adam, look!" She pointed at the shining piece of metal, then ran towards it, ignoring the cuts and scrapes that she had on her arms and hands. She picked it up, and instantly recognized it as the boy's knife. "This is his..." She whispered, and it obviously was loud enough for Adam to hear, considering that he walked straight over to her and looked it over.

"Look," He pointed at the bottom of the knife, and there were two initials that Eve could barely see. "J. M."

"I wonder what that stands for." She mumbled.

This time, it was Adam who noticed it. "Look! There's footprints!" They both ran over to where they saw them. It looked like someone had been dragged by their arms through the forest, and their heels had left deep marks in the dirt and mud. They didn't need to say anything to each other, they both instantly followed the footprints.

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