Chapter Seven - 'Stupidity'

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This is dedicated to @justanothergeek for being so awesome and commenting a lot. :) Thank you! :3

So the Youtube thingy doesn't seem to be working for me... But anyway, I feel like these songs are actually perfect for the story:

Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran

Porcelain - Marianas trench

:) You can look them up if you want. Kiss Me is for all of the Romantic scenes, and Porcelain I just think of for all of the sadder or more sincere scenes. Those two songs have to be some of my favourites. <3

Oh and by the way I FOUND A RICHARD <3 (Pic on the side. :3)

ANYWAY. Here ya go. :)



Chapter Seven

Eve's eyes slowly opened, and she lifted her hand to rub at them, seeing how groggy she still was. She hissed in pain when she did, and realized that it was because she had a needle in it, of which she had twitched when she moved. It led up to an IV bag, which was hanging beside her bed.

Wait, IV bag? She moved her head around, and realized where she was. She was in a hospital room. How did that happen? The last thing she remembered was... Suffocating from smoke inside the tech hall. How had she gotten out? More importantly, who had gotten her out?

Eve also realized that she had an oxygen mask on her face. She ripped it off her head, and threw it to the side.

She froze when she heard an uneven beeping. She had a feeling that it wasn't her machine. Her head slowly turned to her right. Her eyes widened. "Murphy..." She whimpered.

He was laying in the hospital bed beside her, unconscious. He was breathing steadily, his uncovered chest rising and falling deeply. He was wearing nothing but a pair of socks and cargo pants that hung low at his waist. She suspected that it was because his right arm was bloody, considering that it was wrapped in bandges from his chest to his wrist.

Eve knew that it was her fault he was in here, she was sure that he had saved her, seeing as how his skin was burned in other places, just not nearly as badly. She had a few burns on her as well, but they weren't as bad as his. She felt the guilt rising in her, and she slowly sat up.

She took out the needle, and removed any other wires or monitors that were attached to her. She swung her legs off the bed, and winced at the pain. She was grateful though, she felt a hell of a lot better than she did when she was in that building.

She stood up, nearly falling again, and walked over to Murphy's bed. She sat on the edge of it, and stared down at him, biting her lip. She was afraid to touch him, she felt like he was so delicate at that moment that she was terrified that she might break him. Even so, she touched his hand gently, before wrapping her hand around his.

The door of the room opened, and Eve heard many running footsteps behind her. She spun around, seeing Jack, Jay, and Hannah in the doorway. "Eve!" Jack yelled, running towards hrer and engulfing her in a hug. Luckily for him, he hadn't touched any burns, otherwise Eve would have likely murdered the big oaf by then.

"Can you please keep it down? He's sleeping." Eve mumbled, looking back at Murphy. She bit her lip.

"Well, I've definitely changed my opinion on him." Hannah mumbled, causing Eve to smile weakly.

Clarity || John MurphyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora