Chapter Sixteen - Hostage

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"I bet that you thought Jackson was the end of the drama in this place. This is just the beginning."

- Jack Layton.


Chapter Sixteen 

Jack pulled up to the end of the pathway, driving into a small clearing. He jumped out of the truck, Murphy following behind him as he walked to the back of it. Jack unhooked the bungee cords that he had placed on top of the tarp before ripping it back and causing Murphy to grin. "Damn. You're fully loaded."

Jack chuckled. "Hell yeah I am." He had at least ten different machine guns, eleven different handguns, and fifteen shotguns, all in the back of the truck. He began handing them to members of his team, handing a shotgun and two handguns to Murphy. "Don't shoot unless you see a grounder, and make sure you have the silencer on." He said, before he grabbed a machine gun and kept it for himself.

"So what are we doing out here?" Jane asked as she came up to Jack.

Jack sighed lightly, everyone crowding around him. Murphy tried not to look at Eve, but he couldn't stop himself. His heart skipped a beat when he did look at her, however. She was already staring at him, but quickly tore her eyes away and placed them on Jack instead.

"Some of the other guards were hunting, and they saw a grounder walking with a girl that looked a lot like you." He stared at Murphy, whose eyes widened.

"Me? What do you mean?"

"Meaning she wasn't clothed in fur pelts like every other grounder out there. She was wearing clothes like yours."

"What did she look like? I might know her." He mumbled.

Jack shrugged. "No one got a good look at her. We just know that she looked different compared to the grounders."

Murphy nodded slightly, biting his lip. Who could it be? Maybe more people came down from the ark... No, they would have seen it. Eve had seen the drop ship, someone would have noticed the other ones. So it had to be someone from the camp. One of the 100.

"I bet you thought that Jackson was the end of the drama in this place. This is just the beginning." Jack said, sighing softly.


"We'll split up in two groups, Lena in one group and James in the other." The two nodded, and Murphy was surprised. He hadn't ever met twins, but he had heard that they often had a very strong connection, and didn't like to be separated, while these two didn't seem to have a problem with it.

Jack filled his shotgun with bullets, before standing up straight. He didn't look nervous at all, why did he look like that before when they were at the colony? "Let's move out. Eve, Adam, Murphy, James, you come with me. Jane, Hannah, Jay, and Carson, you go with Lena."

Murphy moved over to Jack, seeing Eve standing on the other side of him. She noticed that she was near Murphy, and ran ahead to follow Adam. Murphy gritted his teeth when he saw how close she was to him.

"Calm down." Jack mumbled in his ear. "She's just nervous. She's done this before."

He raised an eyebrow. "Ignored someone to the extent of not even wanting to look at them?"

Jack chuckled. "Clearly you've never met a fighting brother and sister."

Murphy shook his head. "No one had a brother or sister on the Ark."

Clarity || John Murphyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن