Chapter Twenty-Nine - Breakdown

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I'm on a trip with my family, and we're gonna drive all the way down from Exeter, Ontario, down to San Antonio, Texas. :3 We're also making a stop for a few days in New Orleans. ^.^ YAY.

Anyway, it would be awesome if any of you lived in Dallas, San Antonio, Lafayette, or New Orleans. :3 I could meet you and obsess over Murphy with you. >:3 Heh.

So the reason why I'm telling you guys this is because it's a two week long trip, so I may or may not be constantly busy. I was lucky tonight because the hotel had Wifi, or as my mom calls it "Wiffy" ._. Oi. In short, I'm sorry if I don't get the chance to update very much. :(

So anyway, the song for this chapter is Stay With Me by Sam Smith. ^.^ I LOVE THIS SONG. <3

Goal: 40 reads 3 votes. :3


Chapter Twenty-Nine

Murphy glanced at the guard as he opened the door to the interrogation room.

He was extremely anxious, he needed to get this over with. Better yet, he needed to find out exactly what the hell Bellamy was thinking. In fact, maybe it was a good thing that Jack had convinced him to do the interrogating... It might help him get some answers.

Murphy walked into the room, moving over to the opposite side of the table. It was just like any other interrogation room, with a metal table with cuffs attached to it for the criminal. In this case, the criminal was Bellamy.

He sat there, leaning his elbows against the table and sitting silently. He didn't have his hands cuffed, mainly because Murphy had asked the guard to make sure that they weren't. He didn't want to have an advantage when he tried to beat Bellamy to death.

Bellamy had a cold and hard look on his face, his eyes showing no emotions other than anger and pure hatred. "Why're you here Murphy? You gonna beat me up again?" The right corner of his lips pulled up into a smirk. "Maybe hit my head against the table a few times? Slam me against the wall?"

Murphy stared down at him, chuckling. "No, I'm here to ask what you have against Eve and Jack." He moved forwards, taking one of the other chairs and twisting it around so that he was sitting on it, and leaning against the back of it. "So, tell me. What did you say to her?"

He put on that oh-so-wonderful smirk of his once again. "I told her what you're really like."

"Oh? And what is that?"

"You're a selfish, arrogant, ignorant jackass. That's what you are."

"You couldn't come up with anything better than that?"

"Nah, I can. I just don't feel like saying it when the guards are right outside the door." He gestured to the door, sighing softly.

Murphy stared at him for a moment, then sighed as well and sat up straight. "Bellamy, I need to know what happened that night."

"What night?"

Murphy clenched his jaws together slightly. "You know what night." He paused, sighing softly again. He was doing that alot lately. "You need to tell me why you blamed me."

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