4: Busan

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"Hey kid."

My arm was shoved a little bit.


I was shoved again. I slowly opened my eyes and see an older man looking down at me.

"We're at Busan, get your stuff and get off so I can go home and sleep."

"Sorry!" I sat up fast and a bunch of stuff fell off me. I looked at it not knowing what it was.

"Do you need an extra bag for this?"

"Where did all this come from?"

"When I stopped the train a huge group of young ones ran on with this stuff, I tried to stop them but they ran in faster than a cheetah, I'm tellin ya, you should have seen it."

The stuff was a bunch of plushies, letters, ARMY Bombs, stickers, snacks, photo cards, ect.

I laughed to myself a little. "ARMY are crazy." I say and started to pick up everything, the small things I put in my bag of valuable items and the bigger things were going to have to find a bag for them.

"ARMY? Who is ARMY?" The man asked.

I smiled. "My name is Jeon Jungkook, I'm in the music industry, ARMY is the name of our fans."

"Oh that's lovely but if I may ask boy, why are you in Busan? Don't you have music things to do?" The man asked helping me pick up the items.

"I'm from Busan," I smile. "I just want to come back home for a while."

"Well welcome back home, let me get ya a bag for this stuff."

"Thank you." I bow.

The older man brought a bag, it was huge but it's worth it if it's gifts from ARMY.

I got myself together and walked out the train doors. "Goodbye."

"See ya." He replied.

There were not many people out, like in Seoul, the only people out were the intoxicated ones. I walked down the street looking for a taxi or bus to take me as close to my house I could get but no one was around as it is around 4 in the morning. I sighed remembering I had no money to even take a taxi if there was one.

"Aish-" I sigh and pull out my phone. 'Guess I'll have to call someone.' My phone wouldn't turn on. "Seriously..."

"Aye boy why are you talking to yourself?"

I turn around to the sound and bowed. "Sorry, my phone is dead." I say and start walking away.

"Do you need a phone?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you for asking." I bow again and walk faster to where I remember my house being.

I've been walking for a few minutes now, it was getting colder as I walked away from the City and into my district. Every minute felt like an hour, it didn't help with the fact I was pulling a suitcase, had a bag wrapped around hanging off my side, and a bag full of toys hanging over my shoulder. I felt like Santa.

As I got closer to my house I got more tired, I just wanted to sleep, it was so early in the morning, would anyone even be up at my house? Or any house? Only crazy people would be up at this hour.

What a coincidence, a group of four guys stumbled out of an alleyway. 'Crazy' I sigh out in my head and proceed to pass them. They stopped playing around and looked at me, their eyes scanning me from head to toe.

"Who are you?" One asks.

I stop and look at them. "Uh..."

"Don't you have school child?" Another ask.

I felt intimidated, this resulted in me finding my Busan accent and talking in it. "I'm not in sch-"

"So you just graduated?"

"Why are you out at this hour?"

"I'm on my way hom-" I was cut off once again.

"What's that bag?"

"What's in it kid?" They ask and come closer to me.

"My things." I say and take a step back.

"Your things?" He looks at his friends and laughs. "No, our things."

I was about to turn and run but they grabbed the bag hanging off my side and pulled on it making me lose my balance as I stumble backward. I grabbed my bag and pulled back. "Stop!" I shout. The two guys let go of the bag, one grabbed my suitcase and the other grabbed the bag at my side.

My eyes were huge. 'Is this seriously happening to me?' The moment the guy grabbed the bag around at my side I let go of everything and made sure he wouldn't get this one, as much as I wanted to get all my bags I couldn't, I could only choose one bag, my clothes, gifts from ARMY, or my important items plus letters and other small gifts from ARMY. Of course, I chose the important items.

The guys holding the bigger bag fell back and landed on the ground. I smacked the guy holding onto me with my bag making him fall to the ground.

"Stupid kid." He says and stands up punching me in the face. This was the worst thing I have ever felt, I was in shock as I landed on the ground, this was my first real fight. He got on me and started punching me over and over again in the face.

'Why am I not doing anything?!' I yelled at myself. I turned over and covered my head to cover myself from his hits. 'Do something!'

"AH!" I yell out and stand up fast making the guy that was on me fall to the ground again. I got on him and started punching him in the face, the same as he did to me. As I was doing this I let all my anger out on him.

I didn't stop even when he was out cold, I kept on punching, blood from me and him was all over us, I couldn't breathe out of my nose from the blood rushing down it. The taste of iron was bitter.

Next thing I know is I was being hit with something in the the head and myself flying to the side hitting the ground, I came back to reality and looked to see what hit me. I was hit with my suitcase, blood from my face was smudged across it. Quickly standing up I grabbed my one bag and ran, I ran as fast as I could to my house hoping no one will see me like this. I looked like I just murdered someone with the amount of blood all over myself.

Everything was getting blurry as I was running down the road, I was about to cry, realizing I was about to cry made me start to cry, tears rolled down my face mixing with the blood making the water red as it dripped off my cheeks.

Finally, my house came into view and the tears were pouring down my face by now.


Lost in Seoul (J.J.K) BTS FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now