16: Home

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I wake up feeling myself being lifted from the back seat and carried in Manager Sejin's arms again.

'Are we at the Dorm now?'  I wonder.

The cold air stopped and all was heard was four tapping of feet on the ground as we walk through the building.

We stopped and Manager Hyunsoo knocked on a door. There were a few sounds of rustling and the chime of our Dorm door opened.

"Hello Manager Hyunsoo, what brings you here at this time?" Jimin's voice echoed through the hall.

There was a pause for a moment. "Is, that Jungkook?" He asked in a shaken whisper voice.

A few seconds later we were moving again, I assume into the Dorm.

"Go get Namjoon please." Sejin spoke.

"Okay." Jimin answers back as he runs to Namjoon.

A few seconds later. "Manager-min." Namjoon's voice comes from the hall. "Jungkook." He says quietly.

Sejin: "We need somewhere he can sleep."

"He can sleep in my bed." Tae's voice speaks up. "I have the biggest bed anyway."

Namjoon: "I was going to say my bed but Tae's is fine too, I can still keep an eye on him."

We started moving once again. "Where is everyone?" Manager Hyunsoo asked.

"Asleep, no one has been getting good sleep so we all end up going to sleep early and waking up early." Jimin just so happened to be the last one up today." Namjoon responds.

I was set on something soft, Tae's bed. "Once Junkook wakes up can you come get Hyunsoo and I, I'll call the doctor. We'll be in the Living room." Sejin says before walking out of the room leaving me with Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung.

"When will he wake up?" Tae asks as he sat on his bed next to me.

Namjoon: "Not sure."

"Taehyung, can I sleep in here with you and Jungkook?" Jimin asked in a low voice.

Tae: "Yeah."

Tae moved closer to me and Jimin sat in the place where Tae once was.

"Let's go to sleep now." Namjoon says as the sound of the light switch turns off.

Taehyung and Jimin lay down next to me, Taehyung pulled the blanket up so I was covered once I knew I was safe and not going anywhere I could finally fall asleep peacefully.

"T-Tae." My voice came out rough and broken. It hurt to speak.

I started coughing from trying to call out for someone, I grabbed Taehyung's shirt and pulled on it a few times to get his attention.

"Jungkook? Jungkook what's wrong?"

I tapped at my throat and coughed again.

Taehyung pushed Jimin off the side of the bed. "Jimin go get a glass of water."

Jimin jumped up and ran out of the room. Seokjin stood in the hall scratching the back of his head as he watched Jimin run into a room, that wasn't his, with a glass of water, so he followed.

Jimin handed me the water and I chugged it all.

"Joon what happened to Tae?" Seokjin asked, only seeing the backs of Namjoon and Jimin in front of Taehyung's bed.

Namjoon turned around and walked to where Jin was standing. "Don't ask any major questions." He says before pushing a confused Jin towards the bed.

Jin's eyes widen at the sight of me as I was trying to catch my breath again, Tae was patting my back. "Jungkookie?" I glanced up at Jin a little.

He jumped up on the bed and put both of his hands on each side of my face. "I'm so glad you're back. I was so scared. How do you grow so much facial hair?" I just looked at Jin as he looked over my face.

"Jungkook we called the doctor, he's going to make sure you're okay, we know some of the things that happened but we want to make sure nothing else happened that we don't know of." Sejin's voice came through the room.

This brought back the memories of Sori. I placed my hand over my neck where she stabbed me. The skin was hard and you could definitely feel the place where the needle went in.

"Don't worry, it will go away." Jimin says grabbing my hand.

Tears started to pour down my cheeks. 'Why did this have to happen to me?'  I ask myself. 'I did nothing wrong, I just wanted to be recognized for my hard work.'

"I-I'm sorry." I cried out.

Jin pulled me into his chest wrapping his arms tightly around me. "Jungkookie, you're fine now. I'm sorry for not getting you up in the mornings when I knew you had no way of waking up."

"I'm sorry for being too hard on you these past few weeks when I had no reason to be hard on you." Namjoon speaks up.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you when I knew you needed me the most at these times." Tae wraps his arms around Jin and I.

Jimin started sobbing. "I'm sorry for trashing your room when I knew you were trying to give your things away to kids who don't have as much. I treated you so bad."

"But most importantly Jungkook," Yoongi spoke from behind the boys. "Hoseok and I are sorry."

"I'm sorry for hitting and kicking you. Telling you you're useless." Hoseok says as he starts to sob as well.

"I'm sorry for purposely trying to make you mad, for smashing your phone, for starting that fight with you, for attacking you with Hoseok, for calling you all these horrible names when I could see how it was affecting you but I did nothing." Yoongi confessed.

"I knew you, were hurting, too." Jimin lets out between sobs.

"So did I." Hoseok whispered.

Sejin cleared this throat. "Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin; Living room."

Seokjin, Namjoon, Taehyung, and Manager-min stayed in the room to comfort me as I cried.

There was a quiet knock on the door and then it slowly opened. "Hello, I'm doctor Yoon. I'm here to look over Jeon Jungkook." He says as he enters the room.

Everyone moved away from me as the doctor came to me; They moved out of the room shutting the door behind them.

The doctor examined my face and head then asked me to take off my shirt to look over my body. He was done and started to pack up his things. He handed me a cream. "This goes over the mark on your neck after every shower." He explains and then exits the room.

I stood up and grabbed some clothes from my room to take a shower but stopped so I could hear the doctor. He told my Managers about the cream he gave me and the parts of my body that had tough skin from it being bruised and healed in the same placed repeatedly.

I took a shower and did what I needed to do to make me look like myself again. I look in the mirror, I look better then I did before, no bruises and marks on my face and body. But I still feel terrible.


Lost in Seoul (J.J.K) BTS FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now