13: Slap

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"When was the last time you eat real food Jungkook?" Jin ask.

"Um..." I say as I think.

Jin: "I don't even want to know by that response."

"This is why you fainted." Jimin says. "But I found that article about Sori. It's an apology statement from Cube saying she has been officially fired from Cube for mistreating the idols and trainees."

"How long ago was this?" Yoongi ask.

"A year ago."

"Why would BigHit allow someone who mistreated idols in the past to be a manager?

Namjoon: "She probably changed by now, learned from her mistakes. Don't just assume she's a horrible person because she mistreated someone or we all would be horrible people, look at how messed up we are this year."

"We should get back to practice. Jungkook can you pract-... you really shouldn't stand up, you look terrible but I don't want you to have to stay after." Jin says as everyone stands up.

I let out a deep sigh. "I'll nap for 30 minutes, I'll just stay after for 30, can you wake me up?"

Jin: "Yeah sure."

With that, I slid myself over to the couch and lay down passing out.

My eyes shot open and I sat up fast. Cold water was poured on my head.

"Finally, you're up."

I turn my head and see Sori standing with an empty jug. 'What. The. Fuck.' 

"You sleep like a rock."

I look behind her at the Hyungs who were looking at me. Their eyes were big and their lips were in a straight line. They were dressed in their coats and looked ready to leave.

"What time is it?" I asked as I dry my face off with the part of my shirt that wasn't wet.

"1:00 am exactly. You're staying here for seven extra hours, congratulations." Sori says with a smart voice.

"Why didn't you wake me up Jin Hyung?"

"You wouldn't wake up, I tried everything... almost everything." Jin replies.

"Why didn't any of you leave at 12?"

"They decided to take an hour break so they had to stay after for an hour." Sori answers for them. "You all may leave now, be here at 11 am tomorrow." She smiles at the Hyungs.

'Fake smile.'  I say to myself, knowing how a fake smile looks by myself doing it often.

Namjoon and Jin were the only two who bowed to Sori before walking out and closing the door.

"The leader and the oldest seem to respect me very well, you and the others are... really shitty."

My eyes were huge and I stared at her. 'Did she really just say that?'

"Get to practice, you need it. Jimin said you were a dancer?" She laughed.

I sighed and stood up walking to the computer to turn on some music. I danced for an hour before I finally replied to her.

"I am a dancer." I say as I dance to the beat. "I'm part of the dance line, do you know what that is?"

"You have a big mouth don't you?"

"I take it you don't know anything about the lines that form every group. There's and dance, rap, vocal, visual lines. Fans come up with the Hyung, Maknae, Middle, Birth Year, Personality lines."

"Is there a disrespect line?" Sori ask.

"There is and I'm on it." I grin.


"Yeah, no shit."

I was stopped dancing when a slap came on my cheek. I looked at Sori as I held my face where I'm sure her handprint is.

"I wonder if there are manager lines, if there are you would be on and abusing idols and trainees line."

"You deserve to be smacked again for the way you speak and act."

"You deserve to be slapped and lose your job for being disrespectful to everyone, no wonder you were fired from Cube, I wouldn't want someone as disgusting as you to walk into my building."

"Awe, you looked me up? I feel flattered." She smiles.

"Flattered?" I laughed. "I'm going home. I don't deserve this shit from you."

"You can't leave."

This reminded me of the last time I walked out of practice. I shrugged my shoulders and started for the door.

My walk was stopped right before my hand reached the door. The back of my hoodie was pulled making me fall back.

Sori stepped over me before sitting down on my chest holding my arms down with her legs.

"Get the fuck off of me before I throw you off." I said looking into her eyes making sure she knew I wasn't playing around.

"Okay fine, just two things." She smiled. "Number one." She slowly bent down until her face was right over mine, not breaking eye contact as she pressed her lips to mine and then pulled away.

I didn't kiss back, I was dumbfounded. I didn't know what to do.

"It doesn't kick in until 30 minutes but it lasts for daaaaayyssss. It will make you feel better." She says. I was confused.

"Nummberr twooo." She starts to bend down again but I turned my head so she wouldn't kiss me. "Exactly what I wanted." She says before something sharp stabbed into my neck.

I reacted fast and threw her off standing up. She was up too. She kicked my feet out of under me and ran out of the room.

"What the fuck?" I say holding my neck looking in the mirror at what she stabbed me with, it was a tiny hole, a needle hole.

I remembered what Sori said about the 30 minutes and lasts days and realized she was telling me about whatever she injected me with. "Aw fuck."

'Do I go to the hospital? Back home? Stay here? What is going to happen?'

I decided I should go home. I walked out of the room and into the hall, Sori was gone, everyone should be gone from the building. The hall lights were dim, there was a light coming from under another practice room door.

'Bitch is in there.'  I say walking to the door. I was going to beat her ass, I didn't care if she was a girl or not, she drugged me.

I grabbed hold of the doorknob and opened it up knowing there is nowhere to hind in a practice room. I looked in and they looked into the mirror back at me.

"W-What are you guys still doing here?" I asked.


Lost in Seoul (J.J.K) BTS FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now