15: Saved

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"Seagull?" he raises his eyebrow.

"Yup, that's may nerm." I say popping the 'p' and playing with the pronunciation of words.

The man's hair was black but you can see the small parts of gray starting to peak out, his skin was a bit aged, and he was a little shorter then I was.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me in closer to him. "Come on over to my place, let's have a drink Seagull."

I say nothing but just followed where he pulled me. The man's house was an old traditional Korean home.

'Where am I... No homes are like this in Seoul, I don't think.'  I say to myself as I take off my mask as we step in.

I blinked and everything became colorful. 'This is where I should be.'

"Wow, you could seriously be an idol with a face like that."

I spin around to look at the man. "I, the Seagull, is, an idol." I say in a sassy tone finished off with a pose like someone was about to take a photo of me.

The man laughed as he poured a brown-like liquid into two large cups. "I got this from a friend when he went to America, I'm not sure what it's called but it's strong." He says handing be one of the cups.

I move the drink around in the cup. 'Should I drink whatever this is?'  I ask myself knowing I'm underage and never drank any alcohol before.

I pour the drink down my throat like it was water. It burned and tasted bitter, I started to cough but it was okay after a minute.

'Shouldn't I feel something by now?' I wonder.

The man and I drink three more cups. One moment I was fine and the next I couldn't stand up anymore. Every time I tried to stand I would fall back down with the man laughing at me. I sighed in defeat and just lay there soon falling asleep in this man's house, on his Living room floor, waisted and high.

My eyes fluttered open. I quickly closed them trying to take in my surroundings by what my body is touching and what I smell. Nothing I could remember, I opened my eyes and looked around without moving my head. I was in an old Living room, everything was very old. I sat up once I knew no one was around me.

'Get out of here Jungkook! Get out! Go! Run!'  I warm myself. I stood up fast frantically looking for the door. I found it and swung it open, the sun was just setting. RUN!' I did as my head told me and started to run away from the house.

I keep running, passing people, I don't dare ask anyone for help, I was scared. I recognized nothing, panic and fear took over me, tears built up in my eyes. I was looking for anything and anyone but not practically anything, I just knew once I seen whatever I was desperately looking for I would be safe. Something I recognize or a police officer and station.

After running for what felt like hours, I found a police station. I ran in and fell to the ground and started to cry knowing I'm safe now.

"Honey, what's wrong?" A female's voice asked me. "What happened?" I felt a hand start to pat my back.

"I don't, know where I am. I don't remember anything." I let out in between sobs. "I want to go home."

"It's okay, we'll get you home. Can you tell me your name?"


She gasped a little. "Jeon Jungkook?"

I nod my head. She stands and quickly walks around to her desk where she was previously seated. "Hello, Kim Sejin? We have Jeon Jungkook." I silently listen to what she's was saying. "We're in Yongmiri, Gwangtan Myeon.

'How did I get so far from home?'  I was shocked.

"Okay, see you soon." She ends the call.

"Jungkook, Kim Sejin is coming to get you, please stay here and don't leave. Would you like me to get you anything?" She asks.

'Manager Sejin? I thought he was gone. How did she know me? And who to call.?" I lift my head to the lady. "How, long have I been gone?" And how did you know who to call?" I ask.

She walks back around to me and sits next to me. "A week Jungkook. You're on the missing person list."

I let this new information sink in. "Everyone must be so scared and worried." I say in a whisper.

"They're not anymore. You're back and safe and that's all that matters." I nod my head and slowly lay myself out on the floor. The lady gently rubs my back waiting for Sejin to arrive.

"Jungkook." I hear a voice calling my name. I knew it was Sejin but my body and eyes wouldn't let me move so I could greet him and tell him I'm sorry.

"He must be tired." The lady speaks up.

'You're right.'  I answer.

I felt Sejin's arms slide under my neck and legs, I was lifted. The door chimed and cold air washed over me. The sound of a car door clicking open and I was placed on the seats in the back. The sound of another car door opened and closed a little after mine was closed.

"What now? Do we take him to the hospital or in for questioning? The dorm?"

'Manager Hyunsoo.'

"The lady working in there said before he fell asleep that he didn't remember anything, he can't help with the investigation until he remembers. He's asleep and won't wake up, we can't take I'm in the hospital if he can't corporate. We'll take him the dorm for now and when he wakes up we can have a doctor come over and check on him, after that we'll go to the police station." Sejin tells his plans.

We start moving down the road and I blacked out.


Lost in Seoul (J.J.K) BTS FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now