11: Manager

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"Jungkookie, wake up. We leave in 30 minutes."

Jin's voice filled the small room. My door clicked shut telling me he left, I sighed as I pulled my covers off and remembered the ceiling before fully sitting up. Jin didn't have to wake me up because I already was up. Getting only two full hours of sleep from waking up throughout the night.

My body hurt like hell but I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind telling myself everything will be okay today, everything will run smoothly just like they used to, all I have to do is fight my true feelings and pull out my fake self like I did when we were only trainees.

Hopping off the latter and landing on the floor my left knee gave out making me stumble a bit before regaining my balance. Grabbing my clothes of the day with the main outfit of a black loose shirt and dark gray joggers. I headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

'So far, so good. I have around 20 mins?' I tell myself stepping out of the shower, getting dressed. Back in my room the clock on my computer telling me I only have 15 mins before we leave, I slid on some socks and white hightop vans.

"Jungkook." I knock came at my door.

"Yes Hyung?" I reply back as I tie my shoe.

Jin stepped into the room. "We have to leave now, our ride is already here."

I glance back at the clock lighting up on my computer. "But... I.. why?" I ask back.

"Called for a meeting so hurry up, we're all rushing."

I nodded my head and started to tie my other shoe. 'There goes breakfast.' I tell myself. 'It's okay, the day can go better, just eat a snack until you get home and eat a real meal for once.'

I walked out into the hall just as Namjoon was running past. "Oh, Jungkook-ah, are you ready?"

"Yes." Following him to the open space down the hall, it seemed everyone else was already outside. Before walking out I quickly grabbed a gorilla bar from the table.

"Jin Hyung said something about a meeting?" I ask Namjoon as we make our way down the hall hoping this meeting wasn't about me.

"Yeah, I'm not sure what it's about yet but when I was told about it, manager-min didn't seem to stress about it."

I nod.

Taking our usual places in the van but this time Tae sat next to Jimin in the middle making me sit on the outside next to him. I was okay with it knowing what I did to Jimin was not okay and his best friend would, of course, keep me away from him.

The drive was fast as we pulled up outside the back of the building, many people were just getting here at the same time we were. I watched as some staff parked their cars outside but most drove somewhere else to park and walked to the building due to the overcrowding. Some kids got out of cars stopping to drop them off, some walked from somewhere else in groups, they were BigHit trainees. We finally came to a stop, Namjoon opened the door as I slid open the side door as well, following everyone else into the building.

I watched the trainees ran up the stairs together to the practice rooms, I've never met them before and I want too. Maybe there is a trainee born the same year as I, I could make a new friend. But I mostly want to see how they are, to tell them to do their best but don't push their selves to do unhealthy things, don't make the same mistakes as we have.

"Jungkook, what are you doing? Let's go."

I broke my gaze away from the stairs and followed Jin and the others to a meeting room. We all sat down in the seats, there was a guy waiting in the corner. Manager Sejin stood in the front.

"I'm leaving for an important meeting, normally you all would be okay without me but with the few mess ups we had... I was told to call someone in to take my place."

I shifted awkwardly in my seat and looked down at my hands.

"Your schedule was cleared due to these issues so there is really no point in a manager at the moment. The current issues going on are known so expect eyes watching at all times and showing up to check in on you guys unexpectedly. They were a former manager at Cube so don't try to pull any games or loops around because they will know."

"Former?" Hoseok mumbles.

"When do we meet him?" Namjoon speaks up.

"Ah, about that-" Sejin was cut off by a knocking at the door. "That must be them now."

All eye shifted to the door. You can clearly see the silhouette behind the covered glass. A woman. From the looks of it, she was 5'5 or in heels, she was thin but fit with more muscle then typical Korean women would have. She was wearing pants and a short sleeve shirt, her jacket maybe was held in her arms along with something else.

We waited for Sejin to fully open the door before getting a full view of her, her dress pants and jacket were a dark jean blue and her top was cream colored, she was 5'5 and wore black dress shoes. She had long black hair ending in the middle of her back. Her skin was pale. Her face was a V shape, she wore little makeup or didn't wear any at all. She looked to be in her early 30s. She was idol-like pretty but she gave off a vibe that you shouldn't mess with her.

We all stood out of our seats and bowed and she did the same.

"Hello, I'm Lee Sori." She says. Her voice was soft and unexpected from someone like her. "I'll be your manager for the time being." She smiles.

We all nod. I turn and glance at everyone else, they seem to not be affected at all as they take their seats, are they not surprised it's a girl and not a guy? We never had a girl manager on our team before.

"I should be going now that you're here. Don't get in trouble." Sejin says looking in all our eyes as he walks out of the room.


"See you soon."

We sat for a minute waiting for someone to speak in the small office filled with seven guys and one girl.

"So it seems you have nothing planned for this week... or the next month... or nothing this year?" She says as she flips the papers she was given. "I know you have nothing planned but all year you have nothing? Did I get the right papers?"

Once again I was shifting.

"It's right." Yoongi says. "Sejin said you know of our problematic Maknae?"

I look up from my hands at Sori and she looked at me with a blank face. "I do." She says with a stern voice. "I knew he acted out but I didn't know he acted out so bad to get all your activities cleared."

She looks back at the other boys with a smile. "All you have is dance practice today so let's get to it."


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