Chapter 17: Real Scarers

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The Oozmas were heading back to their fraternity house while chatting about their performance from that afternoon.

"I've never felt so alive!" Squishy exclaimed.

"We were awesome!" Terry added.

"Okay, look. That wasn't real Scaring," Sulley pointed out.

"It was better than what you did. You should've stuck to my strategy," Mike said.

"Whatever. Talk to me when we start the real Scaring," Sulley replied.

As Sulley started walking toward the house, Y/N tapped him getting his attention. She had her wrist wrapped up loosely with bandage.

"Sulley, I just wanted to thank you for helping me out back there," she said.

"Well, no problem. But I'm the one who should be thanking you. You distracted the librarian long enough for me to get away. I owe you one," he responded.

Y/N smiled and answered, "You don't have to do that."

"I know; I want to," Sulley remarked as he gently took her right hand then asked, "How's your arm?"

"It's fine. Nothing broken or sprained. The nurse even said I can still compete in the games," Y/N answered.

Just before they all could go in the house, the PNKs pulled up in front of it.

"Hey! You guys going to the party?" one member asked.

"Oh, I think you've got the wrong monsters. We don't get invited to--" Squishy informed.

Mike quickly covered his mouth and wondered, "Party?"

"The mid-games mixer at the RORs'," the first member of the PNKs continued.

"It's for the top Scare Teams," a second added.

"You're one of us now, right?" a third asked.

"See you there!" the first waved as they drove off.

After that, the Oozmas were excited about going to a party.

"Did you hear that?" Don asked.

"I can't believe it!" Squishy remarked.

"Uh-uh. Bad idea," Sulley declined.

"This is great. They're finally seeing us as real Scarers. We're going!" Mike decided.


A/N Will going to the party actually make a difference for your team? We'll see.

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