Chapter 33: Leaving the University

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Y/N, Mike, and Sulley went back to the Oozma's house the next day and told them what happened.

"Expelled?" Don exclaimed.

"Yeah, we really messed up," Mike answered.

"So, you're leaving?" Squishy asked.

"Yeah, buddy. We have to go," Sulley told him.

"Harsh, man," Art commented.

"I'm sorry, guys. You'd be in the Scaring Program right now if it wasn't for us," Y/N said.

The Oozmas looked at each other, smiling.

"What?" Sulley asked, confused.

"Well, it is the gosh-darnedest thing," Don remarked.

"Hardscrabble's letting us into the Scare Program," Terry announced.

"What?" Mike responded with a smile.

"She was impressed with our performance in the games," Terry explained.

"She invited us to join next semester!" Terri said.

"Oh my gosh! That's great!" Y/N stated excitedly.

"Congratulations, guys!" Sulley added.

"And that's not the only piece of good news. Sherrie and I are engaged!" Don announced.

"Oh. Who is Sherrie?" Sulley asked.

Squishy groaned and answered, "She's my mom."

"Well, if it isn't my two favorite fellas!" Miss Squibbles replied cheerfully, entering the room.

"Come here. Give me some sugar," Don remarked, dipping her.

"Oh!" Miss Squibbles exclaimed and giggled.

As they kissed, Don was bumping into Squishy, who was beyond embarrassed.

"Ugh! So uncomfortable," he said.

"Oh, come on, Scott. I don't want you to think of me as your new dad. After all, we're fraternity brothers first," Don said, putting an arm around Squishy.

"This is so weird," Squishy responded.

Mike and Sulley looked at them with blank expressions while Y/N almost couldn't contain her laughter.

"Just think of me as your big brother that's marrying your mother. Wait. Hold on. We're brothers who share the same mom slash wife. That's worse," Don tried to explain.

"Speaking of getting engaged, when are you going to propose to Y/N, James?" Terry smirked.

Y/N went from about to laugh to immediately blushing. Sulley looked at her and smirked at her reaction.

"I don't know. Maybe one day," Sulley answered, not removing his eyes from her and she smiled.

The three monsters packed up their stuff and went outside with the others behind them.

"Well, I guess we should be going now," Mike said.

"Promise me you'll keep in touch," Don requested, handing him a card.

It was his business card except he scratched out the word "Sales" and wrote "Scare Student". Mike smiled.

"You're the scariest bunch of monsters I have ever met," Y/N commented.

The others smiled at her words.

"Don't let anyone tell you different," Mike told them.

They all gathered in a group hug then the three monsters left.


A/N You guys were expelled and are going your separate ways. Will you really part ways?

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