Chapter 22: Hide and Be Sneaky

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The next event was called "Hide and Be Sneaky" where the monsters had to hide in places where parents wouldn't be able to find them. All the members of HSS were caught by the refs, who represented the parents, and the RORs and Oozma Kappa made it out.

"We're down to two remaining team, Roar Omega Roar and Oozma Kappa!" Claire announced.

"Which leads us to the final event! 'Every one of your skills will be put to the test. The Scare Simulator will prove who's the best!' Tomorrow night you finally get to Scare in front of the whole school!" Brock finished.

Mike and Y/N smiled. They were so close to becoming real Scarers and they were excited.

"Enjoy the attention while it lasts, boys. And girl. After you lose, no one will remember you," Johnny said.

"Maybe. But when you lose, no one will let you forget it," Mike threw back, making Johnny hesitate.

"Oh, boy. That is a good point," Chet commented, earning a slap to the head from Johnny and they walked away.

"Hey, Oozmas, you guys are awesome!" a monster told them.

"You've got to teach us your moves," another insisted.

"Well, then you're gonna want to talk to this guy," Don responded, bringing Mike forward.

"Oh...Sure, I can teach you," Mike said then explained, "All right. You want to hide behind the chair? You have to become the chair."

Sulley couldn't help but smile at Mike. Their chances of being in the Scaring Program are just one more challenge away.

"Thanks for coming, Dean," he heard Brock say to Hardscrabble.

He quickly ran up to her.

"Dean Hardscrabble! If we get back into the Scaring Program, I hope there's no hard feelings," he said.

She just smiled and replied, "Tomorrow, each of you must prove that you are undeniably scary. And I know for a fact that one of you is not."

Sulley's smile went away and he turned around to look at Mike who was still happily explaining to other monsters about his techniques.

"No. He works harder than anyone," Sulley insisted.

"Do you think he's scary?" Hardscrabble asked.

"He's the heart and soul of the team!" Sulley continued, avoiding the question.

"Do you think he's scary?" Hardscrabble repeated firmly.

Sulley didn't answer, but Hardscrabble smiled, knowing the answer.

"That's what I thought. Now Miss M/L/N has the potential to be a Scarer, but she is far too undisciplined," Hardscrabble said.

"No, you're wrong about her. She's as serious about this as Mike. She studied as much as he did and only acted that way because she stood up for him," Sulley defended.

"We'll see what happens tomorrow," Hardscrabble responded and walked away.

"Yes, we will," Sulley said to himself, confident about Y/N but nervous about Mike.


A/N So, Sulley has full confidence in you, but he's questioning Mike a little. How will this work out in the final event in the Scare Games?

Monsters University (Sulley X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora