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[Anna's POV]

I started to panic.

I fumbled around my bag for my car keys and quickly went downstairs.

"Mom, I'm going out! I'll be back soon!" I shouted to her, not caring if she had heard me or not. I had only one thing on my mind now; to check if he was okay.

I got to the hospital at my full speed ran to the information table. "Excuse me, where is room 207?" I asked the lady at the table, panting.

"Third floor to the left side. Good luck," she said, her smile showing sympathy for me.

I nodded to her and rushed to the elevator.

I looked for room 207. 205. 206. 207. Aha! To my dismay, the sign says "Do not enter". I sat at the waiting outside the room and waited for what seemed like an hour. Who knows? I had probably only sat for 5 minutes.

I looked around. Whenever I hear the elevator door opened, I turned around to see if it was Ashton's parent. But every time, I always got the same negative results.

OMG I'm freaking out right now. Is he okay? Why aren't his parents here? Where was he after he dropped me off?

A thousand scenarios played inside my head. And finally, the door to Ashton's room slid opened, and a doctor walked out.

"Are you Ashton Taylor's relative?" the doctor asked.

No. But a little lie is gonna be fine, right?

"Yes, I'm his sister. Is he okay?" I asked.

"He has a strong body, and he is doing perfectly fine. He had a minor concussion and a few cuts on his face and here and there. He might be a bit dizzy when he wakes up, but that's normal. Be sure to give him some water," He smiled, nodded at me, and walked away.

I took a few deep breaths and lifted my hand to open the door. I lifted my head and saw him laying there on the bed. I walked over to him and sat down. Feeling that I can't hold it in anymore, I let all my tears out.

I cried.

I cried until my eyes are sore and my vision is blurry. And I continued crying.

"Why does it have to be you Ashton?" I cried out, hitting his chest. "Please, wake up and talk to me. I don't like you! You broke your promise. I knew boys like you couldn't keep promises. I hate people that break promises!


"So, back to my over-godly looks. I'm cute huh?"

"Ye-. No, I mean. No, you're not," I stammered.

"Don't deny it Chase. My face is perfect," He bragged. "Don't worry Chase, I promise you that I would never do anything to hurt this perfect face."

"You promised me you would never hurt your face..." I sobbed all over him. I never knew how much tears I had inside me until now.

I cried myself to sleep next to his bedside, holding his hand.

* * * * *

[Ashton's POV]

I eyes opened and I adjusted to the lighting. For a second, I couldn't figure out where I was. And later, last night's memory came rushing back to me.

Oh god. I'm here. I'm not dead.

I felt someone holding my hand, and saw Anna. I stared at her. I stared at how beautiful and innocent she looked when she was asleep. I brushed her hair behind her ears, and continued staring. Ew, don't get me mistaken. I'm not a pedophile.

She must have been here for me the whole night. 

I felt her stir and woke up. She looked at me, blinked twice, and sobbed. I reached over, pulled her into my hug.

"Hey, don't cry. It's fine. I'm here." I wiped her tears using my thumb.

"You idiot! You don't know how worry I was when the police called! I thought you were gonna die. I thought you would leave me..."

"Shhh. I would never leave you. Unless you leave me. Which we both know that isn't gonna happen," I chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood. I looked around the hospital room, but no one else was there.

"Did my parents come?"

She looked at the ground and didn't answer me. Her silence told me everything.

"They didn't come right?"

She nodded.

My phone suddenly vibrated and my notification said I have two voicemails.


Son, I heard what happened. You should be more careful, driving around like that! Thank goodness I paid the witness to not say anything, or else my reputation will be ruined! I did not raise you to become like this!


Hey honey! Sorry I couldn't visit you. I was really busy. I told the hospital to not say anything about the accident. Hope you'll feel better!

I felt pain in my chest. Ha, feel better. What nice parents I have huh? Leaving me voicemails and telling me to recover. Being in our school, Eastwood High, it means that you will have to be really rich. In my case, I'm loaded. I guess that's the benefit of being the president's son. I get the wealth and the fame. Say my last name and people will back off immediately. I can buy everything in the world except for that one thing; my parent's accompany.

Since I was small, they always had to go on business trips, leaving me alone with the servants in the gigantic mansion. I was used to it by now. Did I really expect them to be here for me? I guess I expected too much from them.

Anna must have sense my feelings, because she squeezed my hand.

"Here, drink some water.You'll feel better," she send me a reassuring smile.

"Sit beside me," I said.

"W-what?" her eyes widened and blushed. I love how I can make her blush. She looks extra-extra-cute when she blushes.

"Please?" I gave her my puppy eye that no one can ever resist.

"Fine," she smiled. Oh damn, she looks extra-extra-extra-cute when she smiles. "Scoot over though, I have a big butt."

I chuckled.

[Anna's POV]

We just sat like that for the whole afternoon; me on his bed, my head on his shoulders, our hands intertwined together. I love how our hands fitted perfectly, like it was just made for each other.

"Do you care about me, Anna?" he suddenly asked.

That was an question that I could answer to without even thinking twice about it.

"I do, Ash, I do. I care about you more than you could ever imagine."


Hope you guys liked it! I'm so dead. I had only written till Chapter 7 oopies... 

I changed my updating schedules! I will now update every Monday and Friday! :) So get ready for an update on Monday! :))) 

Teaser: 1st date? ;) 

Please vote, comment, and spread the word! 

Fun fact: I updated today bc my best friend told me to. She threatened to hack into my gmail and read the rest of it if I don't update tonight. I have nice friends huh? 

~aMeLia <3 

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