Chapter 2

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I smile weakly at Tobi before gesturing him through the door and then shutting it behind us.

The lights are all off, the apartment silent. I glance into the living room and seeing Brayden isn't there, face back towards Tobi.

"Thank you for the tea," I say, "and for walking me here."

He smiles, "It's no problem." I bite my lip and look down, tracing the tiles with my feet. He clears his throat awkwardly.

"I uh... I guess I'll see you around."

I nod, walking with him back over towards the door. I open the door, hugging him quickly.

"Thanks again," I mumble. He nods, pulling away, before walking down the hall to the lift. I smile after him, shutting the door.

I walk through the kitchen into the living room and then down the hallway toward the bedroom. I crack the door open and, seeing a figure slumped over in the desk chair, flick on the lights. His head jerks up and I'm met by the sight of bloodshot eyes and blotchy skin that I had a few hours ago. He stands up, rushing over to me. I take a step back as he reaches out towards me, not expecting him to be here.

"Please. I'm so sorry. I just... It just happened," Brayden says, begging with me.

"I promise it won't happen again, it was just heat of the moment."

I run my hands through my hair, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath to calm myself.

"Won't happen again?" I question sarcastically, "You know, this reminds me of last time. Funnily enough though, there is one thing that won't be the same." I swallow, knowing this my last chance to change my mind. I shake my head lightly, hearing Brayden's mumbled apologies continue.

"Get out," I hiss


"I said get out of my flat." I narrow my eyes.

"Please, no. You can't do this," he pleads. I blink a few times, trying not to break my facade.

I walk to the front door, and he follows, still begging. I open the door and hold it there until he stands in the doorway.

"I love you."

I freeze, knowing I have to cut him out of my life but stuck in my feelings toward him. A tear slides down my face.

"I know," I whisper, shutting the door. It closes with a definitive click. I slide down the wall to the floor, my head resting on my knees.


I sit on the sofa, glancing at the clock. It reads 12:06 AM. I've changed into a pair of joggers but that's all I've been able to do since I kicked Brayden out. I sigh, knowing I have to do something at some point. I stand up, stretching lightly before grabbing my phone and then falling back onto the sofa to text Alicia.

hey, you up

well now I am

can you come over?

no fuck you, you woke me up

don't forget the chocolate

yeah yeah give me a sec

I sigh, letting my phone fall onto the sofa. I hear the door open and soft footprints make their way towards me.

"Jesus J. Have you just been sitting here in the dark?" I nod, curling into a ball. She sits down next to me, rubbing my shoulder before gently pulling me up and into a hug. I rest my head on her shoulder, grateful to have such a good friend who lives so close.

"He did it again," I whisper. I feel her tense up before pulling away from me and looking me in the eyes.

"And?" She says. Hoping I won't have given him a third chance.

I smile sadly at her, "He's gone,"

"That's my girl." she reaches towards me and grasps my hands in hers. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying not to start crying again.

"C'mon, let it out," she says soothingly. I release her hands and lie down, my head in her lap, tears streaming down my face. She plays with my hair, combing through it lightly with her fingers. We sit like that for a few minutes before she breaks the silence.

"Ready to break out the chocolate?" I nod my head, slowly sitting up, as she starts our usual routine when one of us is sad. She stands up and goes to my kitchen. I close my eyes, hearing various cupboards close and open and then the beep of the microwave. She walks back past me into the bedroom and comes back out with my laptop and a fuzzy blanket. She puts both next to me before going back into the kitchen to finish the hot chocolate. I start my laptop and open Orange is the New Black on Netflix, pausing it until Alicia gets back. She hands me my mug and we get cozy under the blanket. I start the episode and rest my head on her shoulder, settling in.

"Thank you."


"I love you."

"Love you too."

(A/N Thank you all for the support on the first chapter! I'm going to try to upload every Friday. Saying that however it may get messed up with the holidays. Also, I may or may not have procrastinated writing this and designed her entire flat so I think I'll put some pictures in an update sometime this weekend)

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