Chapter 5

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"Hey," he says softly.

"You okay?"

"I'm-" my throat closes up as anxiety creeps further up. I shake my head, covering my face with my hands so Tobi doesn't see my tears.

"Can I hug you?" He says quietly. I nod my head shakily, hands still pressed to my face. I feel arms go around my back and warmth envelops me. His hands rub slowly up and down my back, my face pressed to his neck.

"I'm sorry," I mumble.

"Its OK, you haven't done anything wrong."

I sigh, slowly pulling away, my anxiety seemingly kept at bay for now.

"Thank you," I say quietly. He smiles lightly.

"Still up for going in?" He nods toward the cafe. I nod, taking a deep breath before pushing open the door to the cafe, Tobi following close behind. We sit down at the same table we had when we met, tucked into the corner. After shedding our layers, we walk to the line, talking lightly while we wait to order. I order tea and a muffin, waiting for Tobi to order before walking back to the table. I still feel a bit on edge, but talking to Tobi calms me down somewhat.

We talk for awhile, getting to know each other, as the cafe slowly empties out. I learn about his family, his friends, his job, and he learns about mine.

"Excuse me," we're interrupted, "I'm sorry but the cafe closes at 6:00, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave soon." I furrow my eyebrows at the barista, and check the time.

"Oh my God, I didn't realize the time. Sorry to have kept you late, we'll be out in a few minutes," I say, feeling guilty for not realizing they were closing.

"It's alright," the barista smiles tiredly, going back to her work cleaning up. I get my things together as Tobi busses our dishes, and we head out into the crisp evening air.

"Sorry to have kept you so long, I didn't realize how long we were in there for," he says as the door closes behind us.

"No, it's all good, I had a nice time."

"Me, too," he nods. We stand outside the cafe a few moments longer before either of us speak again.

"I should be getting home, I need to edit a video," he says, "Walk with me? I live in the building next to yours."

"Sounds good."

We walk down the pavement, passing people on the crowded London streets.

"Do you live in the tower?"

He nods.

"You're in-" he snaps his fingers, trying to remember what my building is called.

"Ruby court," I supply, and he nods.

We continue walking toward home, still talking. The subjects range from football teams to Stranger Things to weird stories from our childhoods. It's nice, just being out with someone new and talking. We reach the tower and both stop walking, the atmosphere becoming slightly awkward again.

"So..." he says, "we should do this again sometime."

I smile, "Yeah, we should,"

He grins, surprising me by pulling my into a hug. I hug him back briefly before letting go.

"See you soon," I say, and he smiles. I wave before turning and walking away.

"One last thing?" He calls, and I turn around.

"Man City is shit."

I laugh, the cold wind blowing my hair around my face.

"Yeah, just like your hairline," I call back, giggling and beginning to walk away again.

"Oi," I hear from behind me, "it's not that bad." I laugh and keep walking. As I turn to enter my building, I look over, and see Tobi still standing on the pavement, about to open the door to the tower. I smile, and walk into the warmth of the lobby, the door shutting behind me.


As I go to sleep that night, I feel content. Of course there's still a hole in my liveliness that Brayden used to take up, but I no longer feel any pressure to impress. After he cheated on me the first time, I always felt like I wasn't quite enough, like there was something wrong with me that made him do it. Those feelings had always been there, but he made them constant. Whenever we hung out, I felt like I had to do something different so he wouldn't go and do it again. Of course he did, but this time, I had people to support me. I have Alicia, my best friend, and Nathan, my brother, and now Tobi. They make me feel like I am enough, and though there's still a pressure to look and act a certain way, there are people I can drop that around, and just be myself.

I sigh, looking up at the ceiling, a small smile hanging on my face. I pick up my phone, deciding to scroll for a bit before going to sleep. I tap through people's Snapchat stories, looking at what they've been up to. I get to Tobi's story and, seeing the most recent picture, smile. It's mostly black and shadowy, his face just visible in the dark lighting. The caption reads 'goodnight gang, had fun today with a new friend ✌'.

I put my phone down a few minutes later, rolling over to get comfortable, the smile still lingering on my face.

(A/N if you enjoy, please vote. I don't mean to beg it just gives me motivation when I know people are enjoying. Thanks!)

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