Chapter 8

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I leave it on the table, put my jacket on, and open the door, closing it softly behind me.


I'm on the tube on the way to work, ready and on time for once. The car is fairly crowded and I'm squished between an old man and a woman and her baby. I'm sat scrolling through Twitter, my bag in my lap, as I get text from Tobi.

Why did you leaaave

I have this thing called work

You should try it some time


Oh my brother is coming to visit this weekend

I want to introduce you two


Any reason or just ?

I mean it was his hoodie that made                you talk to me

True true

Alright I have to go now


I put my phone in my pocket, stepping back into the daylight from the underground. I begin the walk to the restaurant, music playing through my earbuds.


The weekend passes quickly and before I know it, it's Monday, my day off. I get a call from Alicia around 11:00.

“What's up?”

“Wanna come open the door?”


I get up, pausing my music, and walk over towards the door. I open it and Alicia stands there. I move aside, letting her in, and she sits down on the couch.

“Have you not heard me knocking for the last five minutes?” she asks.

“Sorry I was listening to loud music,” I respond, sitting down next to her. She waves away my apology.

“It's fine. Anyway, will you come play football with me?”

“Aliiiiica, you know I suck at football,” I groan.

“Please?” She says, standing up and offering me her hand.

I cross my arms, pouting and looking up at her. She raises her eyebrows, hand still extended. I plead silently with her. She rolls her eyes and grabs my hands pulling me up and into my bedroom. She takes a seat on my bed, waiting expectantly. I sigh, open my dresser and pull out a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. Once I put them on, I look up at Alicia.

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