Chapter 9

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Everyone nods enthusiastically, and we start to head out.

Tobi comes and grabs my hand, skipping ahead and dragging me with him.

"Tobi!" I say as he pulls me along. I catch my breath as we come to a stop beside a car that I assume is his.

He leans against the front door, pulling me next to him, arm around my shoulder again. I rest my head against him, sighing.

"You ok?" he asks. I nod, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, just a bit tired."

He nods, rubbing my arm lightly with the hand that's around me.

"Sure you're up for Nandos?"

"I'm always up for Nandos," I reply with a smile.

I watch as the others approach and hear Cal mumble to Josh, "Oi, Tobi's pullin', look at them."

I cough and feel my face turn red, but Tobi doesn't seem to have heard. The boys split off into car's, leaving Vik and Ethan with me and Tobi.

"Shotgun!" Ethan calls laughing, and I roll my eyes, going around the other side of the car and sliding into the back seat. Vik hops in next to me and Tobi starts the car, driving out of the parking lot.

We arrive first and go in, deciding to get takeout. Ethan texts their group chat and everyone gives their orders. Me and Tobi walk up to the counter, order all the food, and then the four of us take a seat to wait.

By the time the food is ready the others have made it to the house, so we just get the food and start to drive back. The car pulls to a stop beside a large house and I open the door, stepping out. My eyes widen as I take in the extravagance of the house. Vik, Ethan, and Tobi walk towards the door as I follow behind slowly. The door is opened by Simon who ushers us inside. I look around the house, taking in the grand staircase and all the rooms.

"Jaaade," Harry calls as he walks over, "We can give you the tour later but for now..." He takes the bag of food from my hands and pulls me into the kitchen where the boys are unpacking the other bag of food. We each get our meals and sit down to eat.

It's around 10:00 and we are sat on the couches talking. Vikk has left to record, Josh had a date with his girlfriend Freya, and Harry and Cal have gone back to the tower. I sit between Tobi and Manny on one couch with Simon and Ethan on the other. I'm leaned back against Tobi with my legs on Manny's lap. My head falls onto Tobi's chest and I close my eyes, listening to their chatter and smiling lightly when Simon makes a good joke. I zone out, the conversation fading into the background.

I wake up on the couch, cuddled into Tobi. Ethan is asleep on the other couch and I assume Simon has gone up to his room, and Manny to the spare room. I blink a few times, adjusting to the darkness, before grabbing my phone. I squint as the bright light hits my face, looking at the time quickly before shutting it off again. Tobi shuffles a bit behind me and I turn around, facing him.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I whisper. He rubs his eyes.

"It's fine," he mumbles with a slight smile, closing his eyes again

"What time is it?" He asks.

"2:00 in the morning."

"Mmh, I'm going back to sleep," he says, shuffling his face into the couch.

I sigh, smiling lightly, before turning back around and closing my eyes.

"Goodnight," he whispers, resting his arm on my waist.


I wake up the next morning to a flash of light and the smell of melting butter. I open my eyes, blinking a few times before looking up to see Simon and another guy in the doorway, Simon with his phone out and pointed at us. I put a hand to my face, rub my eyes, and flip them off. Simon laughs and comes closer, quite obviously filming us. I groan and roll over so my face is pressed to the couch, out of the cameras view. My movements cause Tobi to wake up and he yawns before looking up and seeing Simon filming.

"Fuck off mate," he mumbles.

Simon laughs and I hear the other guy giggle. He walks closer until he's standing next to Simon and sticks his hand out towards me.

"I'm JJ," he says.

"Mm," I groan, still half asleep. He laughs.

The door opens and Josh comes in.

"Let them sleep, guys," he says, dragging them out of the room. Simon shuts the door behind them and I turn around to face Tobi.

"Good morning," I mumble before yawning.

He smiles and closes his eyes again. I turn over onto my back before sitting up and leaning against the back of the couch. I stretch my arms and stand up.

"C'mon," I say, offering Tobi a hand. He reaches his hand out from under his torso and grasps my hand before I pull him up into a standing position.

"Sleep well?" He questions. I nod, looking over at him and smiling. We make eye contact and he smiles too.

The scent of melting butter wafts in from the kitchen again and my stomach grumbles.

"Let's go get food," I suggest and Tobi nods. We walk into the kitchen and sit down at the counter. Josh is making pancakes and bacon and the others are sat around the kitchen.

"So," JJ starts with a smirk, "what'd you two get up to last night."

(A/N just some cute shit)

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