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Games. Everyone loves playing diffrent types of games, but some are prodigues as they can win much quicker and rapidly. Like this child in front of the T.V with handphones plugged in to hear everything better.

The child has black hair, one green eye and one purple eye, their hands and feet are small for their age, their body is small for their age and they are only three years olds with glasses over their eyes really.

They've been winning in every game there is and had never lost a single game. They were a prodigy in every single game as they win in completely each and every tournament there is in every game they have ever played in really.

They even earn money for playing the games. They took everything they own and the broken toys before moving out and leaving the abusive life they had since they were fifteen months old.

They got a pent house to live in as they have eight bedrooms, a kitchen, a library, a study, a theater room, a gamer room, a dinner room and six bathrooms. It was perfect and they even found a place to place their money in.

They wrote a letter to them and had everything set up as their money is now being transfured to that account not knowing that the money will be in gold, silver and copper coins to be used.

They celebrate their fourth birthday with lots of new games to play as no one sends them presents at all, but the ones in charge of their account had sent them presents making them to wonder how they know it's their birthday.

They won in games that were too hard to win as they have always won with one character making many to wonder who they are, but the user name is always the same: Salazar Basilisk.

No one could win against them and in the study is a laptop that has a self-sustaining system to earn money which goes to that account as well. Once new games come out, the child buys them to play them.

They had never lost since and keeps winning making many to wonder who they are as there is no way someone can keep on just winning like that. The child can play multi games at the same time.

Somehow they can do so with their mind, but if they are close to twenty-five percent of their life points, they go into a berserk mood making them to release a lot of red energy.

It goes all over the place as their character also goes into berserker mood making many to lose in the tournaments and the child earns more money as the money in the games go into their account.

No one can figure out how they got a bersek mood, but they just couldn't move out of the way as the very speed, power, strenght, endurance and stamina are at one hundred and fifty percent higher than before.

The child calms and red highlights started to show up in their hair with red near the pupils as it slowly increases until half of the eye color is red, but for the purple eye color has a different color.

It has magenta color that is half way through the eye making the child's eyes to be different. The child even has the ends of their hair being magenta making them to be different.

Seven years later...

The child has grown and is now eleven-years-old with a styem to play every game they own and new ones off the internet. They saw a letter was for them and they took it from the mail man after giving them twenty dollors.

The child opened the letter and saw it was an acception letter to a school for magic making them to be confused as they don't get it. They called Gringotts and told them about the letter and asked if they know about it.

"Mr. Potter, we know about the school. We can have appointment made for you to see your vault manager for your family. We can even see if there is any other families you are the heire to if you like."

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