Hogwarts: Fourth Year part 2

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Professor Snape stalked through the castle in a fouler mood than usual. Not only had one of his "special" tutoring sessions with one of his young Slytherins been interrupted, he was being forced to bring up more healing draughts because the Potter brat had received another minor injury.

Snape found nothing wrong with the concept that a scratch on a Slytherin's arm was a major injury while he considered being impaled by a dragon spike a minor injury for a 'Founder'. The potion teacher's mood worsened even more when he saw the hallway in front of him was packed full of first year students making him to hate this as he can't get to the Hospital Wing now.

Before Snape could bellow out an order for the students to get out of his way, all of the male students except for one dashed to either side and pressed their backs to the wall. As soon as their backs were to the wall, they clasped their hands behind them. Snape allowed himself a small smirk at the thought that the students were finally paying him the respect he deserved.

The remaining male student was walking backwards, chatting with a girl he had made friends with and had no idea who he was headed towards. The girl was Ancient One like him and they had hit things off right after the sorting ceremony. Snape changed course slightly, so the young Gryffindor student would walk into him giving the Head of Slytherin house a good excuse to yell at a student for nothing really.

The small first year student walked right into Professor Snape knocking him back a step. The young Gryffindor, Casey O'Nell, turned around slowly and his eyes became wide with pure terror. Snape put on his special sneer/scowl that he had perfected in front of the mirror after hours of practice. He was about to bellow out a ridiculous deduction in house points, but the terrified shriek of the student made him pause for a moment as he figure he should hear this.

"Oh lord, no!" O'Nell yelled when he realized it was Snape he had backed into, his Irish brogue getting thicker due to stress. He had an uncle who had been arrested during the "troubles" back in Ireland and he had shared some of his horror stories in an effort to keep his nephew on the straight and narrow. O'Nell looked up at Snape, his eyes pleading.

"Please, Professor... please don't be burgling me bum. I'm too young to be a prison bitch!" He begged, his small frame trembling with fear. Snape slowly turned around in a circle and looked closer at the other male students. Not only were they all avoiding his eyes, but each one was doing their very best to hide their backsides from him. When he finished his circle, Snape was livid.

"Twnety-five points from Gryffindor for pure clumsiness and two nights of detention in my classroom for daring to imply that I would 'burgle your bum' as you so quaintly put it." he snarled. O'Nell's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fainted in fear of what those detentions might entail. Commotion from down the hall drew Snape's attention and his scowl grew even darker.

Potter's girls and Percy were storming through Hogwarts castle like a force of nature. Remus Lupin had taken point and he was flanked on either side by one of those insufferable Weasley twins. Hermione Granger, clutching one of her oh so precious books like it was a life preserver, followed close behind the old Marauder.

A large black dog that was somehow familiar to Snape brought up the rear, a low growl constantly rumbling from it's throat. While the first years gave way to Snape out of fear of being a victim to a greasy haired sexual predator, the clearing of the way for Potter's friends was based off either:

A) Respect for the one time professor or B) Outright terror at the thought of pissing off both a werewolf and the Ginger Demonesses plus the Sister-Hood Girls. Snape shouldered past O'Nell and made to block Lupin's way.

"I presume you had something to do with this... this slight on my reputation." Snape said in an angry whisper while making a sweeping gesture at the first year boys.

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