Hogwarts: Fourth Year part 3

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Harry wonders how this is going to work as they might get the same species as him and that's not right as cats hunt and none of them would be able to eat wheat, but Newt said that it likes to eat pumpkin pies and cakes a lot of the time which has flour in it. Not wanting things to spiral any further cause of Dumb and Dumber stopping them again, Hermione purposefully strode back in forth in front of the tapestry three times while focusing on needing a Calthamic conjuring circle to complete their ritual.

After her third time walking back and forth, an oak door that was stained a comforting brown appeared on the wall opposite of them. Without looking back, Hermione opened the door and hurried through. Harry followed Hemione in as the others followed into the room. They stood in the center of a cavern large enough to play Quidditch in.

They could barely make out the ceiling high above them, the light from the torches bolted to the walls just barely reflecting from that height. They were standing next to a conjuring circle carved into the rock floor. The circle had two outer rings that were full of strange runes that ran the entire way around it. Inside the innermost ring was a twenty pointed star with a large rune array in the exact center.

"So now what?" Harry asked as Hermione looked at a basket of herbs and flowers sitting on the ground a few feet away from the conjuring circle.

"Okay, here is what we do. We place those herbs and flowers in the center of the circle and then we each take a seat at one point of the star." She instructed them. Harry nodded his head and picked up the basket. When he neared the center of the circle, a large bronze bowl appeared in the exact center. Taking the hint, Harry dumped out the contents of the basket into the bowl. He then sat down at the point of the star opposite him.

The others soon joined him with Hermione sitting on his left. To her left George and Fred took the next two points of the star. Luna took the next point leaving Neville to take the point of the star on Harry's right. The others took a sit as well as this is going to be weird once they find out their animal forms. Once they were all seated, Hermione pointed her wand at the bronze bowl and whispered.

"Incendio." A thin string of flame shot out of her wand at the contents of bronze bowl. Soon, a sweet smelling, purple smoke lightly filled the cavern. After a few minutes of breathing in the smoke, they all started to giggle.

"[chortle]... Not that I'm complaining mind you, but when do we [snicker] Get to the part about our animal forms?" Georgina asked, a big dopey smile on her face. As if in answer to her question, Neville's eyes first crossed and then rolled back into his head as he fell backwards, his grin never leaving his face. Luna was the next to pass out. Georgina and Hermione lost consciousness at roughly the same time as the others. Frederika caught Harry's eyes and chuckled.

"See you on the other..." Before she fell over. Harry looked around at his family and shifted his legs out from under him, so he could lay down comfortably. When his back was on the stone floor, his eyes closed, transporting him to the dream realm. Harry opened his eyes and sat up. He quickly looked around to get his bearings.

He and his family were on a large stone circle floating in what looked like an endless, gray expanse. In every direction he looked, all he saw was swirling, gray mist. Not sensing any danger, he shrugged his shoulders and went to Hermione first and then to each of his other family members, waking them up. Once they had all had time to take in the boring landscape, Harry asked Hermione.

"What do I do now? You said I was supposed to guide you guys to your animagus forms." Luna answered before Hermione could.

"Actually, it's your animagus form that is supposed to guide us, papa." She told him.

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