Chapter Seventeen

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I'm having a bit of writer's block so forgive me for this filler chapter ❤️ xx

I opened the oakwood door to Alex's spacious office and saw him sat behind the desk looking down at something while tapping his pen against the wooden desk. Since I've been here there weren't many times where Alex hasn't been working. Work consumed him nearly whole as he was also always talking or messaging people about work.

He noticed me come in a moment later as the door softly hit against the door stop mounted on the wall near the floor. His head lifted, revealing his tired eyes and his frown that wasn't out of anger. He looked exhausted. He muttered a quick hello before going back to whatever he was doing.

I walked across the floor to one of the black leather seats that sat across from his desk. Crossing one leg over the other, I sat back in the chair. "What are you working on?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't mind the random question. I didn't want to admit to him that I wanted to know more about the whole Dimitri situation. I knew he was a bad person, but this was more than I thought he'd even be capable of.

He let out a long sigh, dropping the pen to rake a hand through his dark hair that was in need of a haircut. It nearly fell to his nose when he had looked up. "A lot," was his too simple of an answer.

I narrowed my eyes at him and huffed. "Very informative, thank you."

He softly chuckled as he leaned back into his chair, swiveling slightly. "I really don't think you want to know." His words sounding more like a warning.

I gave him a pointed look with a raised eyebrow. "Try me, Drama Queen."

"First off,"He started as he sat up in his seat, folding his hands on his desk. "I'm not a drama queen." His statement made me chuckle. I guess he just needed to clarify that. "Second— I'm finishing the last of the arrangements needed for another business event I know you'll be so exited for." His lips lifted into an innocent looking smile.

I groaned, leaning my head back. "Why another?" I complained. I looked back up to meet his eyes filled with amusement as mine were full of dread no doubt.

His wide playful smile turned into a small reassuring one "This one in particular is more important than the others. All of the investor's come together to basically network and meet people. It happens once a year."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I feel bad for anyone truly married to someone in this industry considering they must own a thousand gowns by now." I've only been here for two months and own more dresses I know what to do with.

He raised an eyebrow and smirked at me. "Most woman would love to own a thousand gowns." His voice questioning.

I shrugged. "Most woman don't have need one gown, let alone a thousand. Believe it or not, but living amongst rich assholes isn't what everyone desires." I pointed out to remind him of how he isn't most people and neither were the people he was surrounded by. Most people had to work for everything they've got. Not to say Alex doesn't work hard , but he's certainly been given the comfort of living lavishly his whole life from his parents original accomplishments.

He nodded and stood from his chair to walk over to the front of his desk. He rested against it as one ankle crossed the other. "How about a pant suit for
Friday?" He jokingly offered.

Did this man listen to anything I just said?

I rolled my eyes but smiled. "How kind of you to offer, but no, Alex, I'm not wearing a pant suit."

He smiled and shook his head lightly. "You're unlike most woman in my world, Anastasia."

I said an eyebrow, challenging him. "Is this a good or a bad thing?"

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