Chapter Thirty One

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Guys I have the flu and I'm going to die.

Okay. Not really. But I feel like it. Being sick is the worst and I would really like it to just go away now.

But without further a do....

My eyes slowly opened as I woke up. The light was brighter than usual and when my vision completely cleared from sleep I saw that it was snowing. I sat up easier than usual and realized it's because Alexander's wasn't weighing me down like usual.

I looked around the room, but he wasn't there and the bathroom light was off so I assumed he must be out in the living room.

It was Christmas morning and my family along with Alex's would be here later for the dinner I was making.

Why did I agree to do this...

I got up from the bed and tried to pretend that my hair wasn't a terrifying sight. Alex wasn't in the living room, but the tree we put up was lit up with presents all under neath. I probably looked creepy smiling at our fake pine tree that was horrible decorated with rainbow lights, white lights, and various ornaments we had gotten from the store. Before this Christmas, Alexander never decorated for the holidays so therefore had no decorations.

I heard banging coming from the kitchen and string of curse words that followed. I quickly went to the kitchen where Alex was. He was at the stove attempting to cook.

The smell of burnt food filled the air along with the smoke from whatever he was cooking in that skillet.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

He looked over to me with a scowl. "Trying to make a pancake."

I walked next to him and looked down at the burnt pancake that was nearly black. I looked back up at him with a small smile. "You're sweet, but don't cook again."

"I won't." He chuckled.

I stood on the tip of my toes to kiss him quickly. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, baby." He tried learning in for another kiss, but I turned on my heel to remake the batter to actually make pancakes.

After we finished breakfast we moved into the living room to open gifts. He had bought me far too many things and I felt bad for three I only had gotten him. What do you get for the man that has everything?

Alex lifted the dress shirt I bought him that was gray.. He looked at me with an arched brow. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

I smirked. I was sick of seeing him in the same white button up shirt. "I don't know what you're talking about, babe."

He chuckled. "Thank you." He opened the rest of the gifts I had gotten him.


I pulled the ham out of the oven as the timer went off. Our families would be here any minute. I paced around getting everything together. Alex attempted to help, but he ended up dropping one of the pies so I banished him to cleaning duty.

He came sauntering back into the kitchen a while later with a frown on his handsome face. "I'm done." He said like a child who finished their chores.

I cracked a smile. "Not quite, babe. Did you make the bed?"

He arched a brow. "I thought I had a housekeeper."

I rolled my eyes. "It's Christmas. You can't expect her to be here every day. Now go, shoo," I waved my hand dismissively and he groaned, turning around to finish his task.

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